STOCK Samd8tm1.1Kwi/Cnrm


Available to order

International strain nameSTOCK Samd8tm1.1Kwi/Cnrm
Alternative nameB6N;129P2-SMSrtm10Kwi/Cnrm
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains : Point mutation
Allele/Transgene symbolSamd8tm1.1Kwi
Gene/Transgene symbolSamd8

Information from provider

ProviderKlaus Willecke
Provider affiliationMolecular Genetics, Limes Institute
Genetic informationSmsr (Samd8) D348E
Phenotypic informationHomozygous:
Fertile with no obvious phenotypic abnormalities

Fertile with no obvious phenotypic abnormalities
  • Sphingomyelin synthase-related protein SMSr is a suppressor of ceramide-induced mitochondrial apoptosis.;Tafesse Fikadu G, Vacaru Ana M, Bosma Elleke F, Hermansson Martin, Jain Amrita, Hilderink Angelika, Somerharju Pentti, Holthuis Joost C M, ;2014;Journal of cell science;127;445-54; 24259670
  • Sphingomyelin synthase-related protein SMSr controls ceramide homeostasis in the ER.;Vacaru Ana M, Tafesse Fikadu G, Ternes Philipp, Kondylis Vangelis, Hermansson Martin, Brouwers Jos F H M, Somerharju Pentti, Rabouille Catherine, Holthuis Joost C M, ;2009;The Journal of cell biology;185;1013-27; 19506037
Homozygous fertileyes
Homozygous viableyes
Homozygous matings requiredno
Immunocompromisednot known

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreCNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy

Disease and phenotype information

MGI phenotypes (allele matching)
  • nervous system phenotype / MGI
  • liver/biliary system phenotype / MGI
  • homeostasis/metabolism phenotype / MGI
  • abnormal ceramide level / MGI
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
  • nervous system phenotype / MGI
  • abnormal enzyme/coenzyme level / MGI
  • renal/urinary system phenotype / MGI
  • liver/biliary system phenotype / MGI
  • homeostasis/metabolism phenotype / MGI
  • immune system phenotype / MGI
  • abnormal ceramide level / MGI

Literature references

  • Sphingomyelin synthase-related protein SMSr is a suppressor of ceramide-induced mitochondrial apoptosis.;Tafesse Fikadu G, Vacaru Ana M, Bosma Elleke F, Hermansson Martin, Jain Amrita, Hilderink Angelika, Somerharju Pentti, Holthuis Joost C M, ;2014;Journal of cell science;127;445-54; 24259670
  • Sphingomyelin synthase-related protein SMSr controls ceramide homeostasis in the ER.;Vacaru Ana M, Tafesse Fikadu G, Ternes Philipp, Kondylis Vangelis, Hermansson Martin, Brouwers Jos F H M, Somerharju Pentti, Rabouille Catherine, Holthuis Joost C M, ;2009;The Journal of cell biology;185;1013-27; 19506037

Information on how we integrate external resources can be found here



Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Frozen sperm. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

More details on pricing and delivery times

Practical information

Example health report
(Current health report will be provided later)

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
For this strain no provider MTA is needed. Distribution is based on the EMMA conditions only.

EMMA conditions
Legally binding conditions for the transfer

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