

Available to order

International strain nameB6.Cg-Tg(Tek-cre/ERT2)1Arnd/ArndCnrm
Alternative nameTie2CreERT2
Strain typeTransgenic Strains
Allele/Transgene symbolTg(Tek-cre/ERT2)1Arnd,
Gene/Transgene symbolTg(Tek-cre/ERT2)1Arnd

Information from provider

ProviderBernd Arnold
Provider affiliationGerman Cancer Research Center
Genetic informationExpression of the Tie2CreERT2 transgene: 2.1 kb Tek (Tie2) promoter, 1.5 kb cre recombinase-ERT2 and 10.5 kb enhancer.
Phenotypic informationNo phenotype defects observed. Temporal cre-mediated recombination exclusively in endothelial cells using Tek (Tie2) regulatory elements.
Breeding historyMice have been backcrossed to C57BL/6 for over 6 generations. Currently, we either mate these mice with each other or with C57BL/6.
  • Temporal Cre-mediated recombination exclusively in endothelial cells using Tie2 regulatory elements.;Forde Anne, Constien Rainer, Gröne Hermann-Josef, Hämmerling Günter, Arnold Bernd, ;2002;Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000);33;191-7; 12203917
  • Essential role of B-Raf in ERK activation during extraembryonic development.;Galabova-Kovacs Gergana, Matzen Dana, Piazzolla Daniela, Meissl Katrin, Plyushch Tatiana, Chen Adele P, Silva Alcino, Baccarini Manuela, ;2006;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;103;1325-30; 16432225
  • Endothelial expression of bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1a is required for atrioventricular valve formation.;Kaneko Kan, Li Xiaodong, Zhang Xiaoxue, Lamberti John J, Jamieson Stuart W, Thistlethwaite Patricia A, ;2008;The Annals of thoracic surgery;85;2090-8; 18498827
  • The contribution of the Tie2+ lineage to primitive and definitive hematopoietic cells.;Tang Yuefeng, Harrington Anne, Yang Xuehui, Friesel Robert E, Liaw Lucy, ;2010;Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000);48;563-7; 20645309
  • Direct acute tubular damage contributes to Shigatoxin-mediated kidney failure.;Porubsky Stefan, Federico Giuseppina, Müthing Johannes, Jennemann Richard, Gretz Norbert, Büttner Stefan, Obermüller Nicholas, Jung Oliver, Hauser Ingeborg A, Gröne Elisabeth, Geiger Helmut, Gröne Hermann-Josef, Betz Christoph, ;2014;The Journal of pathology;234;120-33; 24909663

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreCNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy
Animals used for archivingheterozygous C57BL/6, wild-type C57BL/6J
Stage of embryos2-cell

Literature references

  • Temporal Cre-mediated recombination exclusively in endothelial cells using Tie2 regulatory elements.;Forde Anne, Constien Rainer, Gröne Hermann-Josef, Hämmerling Günter, Arnold Bernd, ;2002;Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000);33;191-7; 12203917
  • Essential role of B-Raf in ERK activation during extraembryonic development.;Galabova-Kovacs Gergana, Matzen Dana, Piazzolla Daniela, Meissl Katrin, Plyushch Tatiana, Chen Adele P, Silva Alcino, Baccarini Manuela, ;2006;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;103;1325-30; 16432225
  • Endothelial expression of bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1a is required for atrioventricular valve formation.;Kaneko Kan, Li Xiaodong, Zhang Xiaoxue, Lamberti John J, Jamieson Stuart W, Thistlethwaite Patricia A, ;2008;The Annals of thoracic surgery;85;2090-8; 18498827
  • The contribution of the Tie2+ lineage to primitive and definitive hematopoietic cells.;Tang Yuefeng, Harrington Anne, Yang Xuehui, Friesel Robert E, Liaw Lucy, ;2010;Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000);48;563-7; 20645309
  • Direct acute tubular damage contributes to Shigatoxin-mediated kidney failure.;Porubsky Stefan, Federico Giuseppina, Müthing Johannes, Jennemann Richard, Gretz Norbert, Büttner Stefan, Obermüller Nicholas, Jung Oliver, Hauser Ingeborg A, Gröne Elisabeth, Geiger Helmut, Gröne Hermann-Josef, Betz Christoph, ;2014;The Journal of pathology;234;120-33; 24909663
  • Endothelial cell-specific NF-kappaB inhibition protects mice from atherosclerosis.;Gareus Ralph, Kotsaki Elena, Xanthoulea Sofia, van der Made Ingeborg, Gijbels Marion J J, Kardakaris Rozina, Polykratis Apostolos, Kollias George, de Winther Menno P J, Pasparakis Manolis, ;2008;Cell metabolism;8;372-83; 19046569
  • Tubulin-folding cofactor E deficiency promotes vascular dysfunction by increased endoplasmic reticulum stress.;Efentakis Panagiotis, Molitor Michael, Kossmann Sabine, Bochenek Magdalena L, Wild Johannes, Lagrange Jeremy, Finger Stefanie, Jung Rebecca, Karbach Susanne, Schäfer Katrin, Schulz Andreas, Wild Philipp, Münzel Thomas, Wenzel Philip, ;2022;European heart journal;43;488-500; 34132336
  • Endothelial and macrophage-specific deficiency of P38α MAPK does not affect the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in ApoE-/- mice.;Kardakaris Rozina, Gareus Ralph, Xanthoulea Sofia, Pasparakis Manolis, ;2011;PloS one;6;e21055; 21695272
  • Extracardiac septum transversum/proepicardial endothelial cells pattern embryonic coronary arterio-venous connections.;Cano Elena, Carmona Rita, Ruiz-Villalba Adrián, Rojas Anabel, Chau You-Ying, Wagner Kay D, Wagner Nicole, Hastie Nicholas D, Muñoz-Chápuli Ramón, Pérez-Pomares José M, ;2016;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;113;656-61; 26739565
  • Regulator of G protein signaling 2 deficiency causes endothelial dysfunction and impaired endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor-mediated relaxation by dysregulating Gi/o signaling.;Osei-Owusu Patrick, Sabharwal Rasna, Kaltenbronn Kevin M, Rhee Man-Hee, Chapleau Mark W, Dietrich Hans H, Blumer Kendall J, ;2012;The Journal of biological chemistry;287;12541-9; 22354966
  • Endothelial Cell Lineage Analysis Does Not Provide Evidence for EMT in Adult Valve Homeostasis and Disease.;Kim Andrew J, Alfieri Christina M, Yutzey Katherine E, ;2019;Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007);302;125-135; 30306735
  • Notch-dependent repression of miR-155 in the bone marrow niche regulates hematopoiesis in an NF-κB-dependent manner.;Wang Lin, Zhang Huajia, Rodriguez Sonia, Cao Liyun, Parish Jonathan, Mumaw Christen, Zollman Amy, Kamoka Malgorzata M, Mu Jian, Chen Danny Z, Srour Edward F, Chitteti Brahmananda R, HogenEsch Harm, Tu Xiaolin, Bellido Teresita M, Boswell H Scott, Manshouri Taghi, Verstovsek Srdan, Yoder Mervin C, Kapur Reuben, Cardoso Angelo A, Carlesso Nadia, ;2014;Cell stem cell;15;51-65; 24996169
  • VEGFR2-mediated vascular dilation as a mechanism of VEGF-induced anemia and bone marrow cell mobilization.;Lim Sharon, Zhang Yin, Zhang Danfang, Chen Fang, Hosaka Kayoko, Feng Ninghan, Seki Takahiro, Andersson Patrik, Li Jingrong, Zang Jingwu, Sun Baocun, Cao Yihai, ;2014;Cell reports;9;569-80; 25310988
  • Ablation of endothelial VEGFR1 improves metabolic dysfunction by inducing adipose tissue browning.;Seki Takahiro, Hosaka Kayoko, Fischer Carina, Lim Sharon, Andersson Patrik, Abe Mitsuhiko, Iwamoto Hideki, Gao Yanyan, Wang Xinsheng, Fong Guo-Hua, Cao Yihai, ;2018;The Journal of experimental medicine;215;611-626; 29305395
  • Delayed inhibition of VEGF signaling after stroke attenuates blood-brain barrier breakdown and improves functional recovery in a comorbidity-dependent manner.;Reeson Patrick, Tennant Kelly A, Gerrow Kim, Wang Josh, Weiser Novak Sammy, Thompson Kelsey, Lockhart Krista-Linn, Holmes Andrew, Nahirney Patrick C, Brown Craig E, ;2015;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;35;5128-43; 25834040
  • VEGF signaling regulates the fate of obstructed capillaries in mouse cortex.;Reeson Patrick, Choi Kevin, Brown Craig E, ;2018;eLife;7;49-67; 29697373
  • VEGFR2 promotes central endothelial activation and the spread of pain in inflammatory arthritis.;Beazley-Long Nicholas, Hodge Daryl, Ashby William Robert, Bestall Samuel Marcus, Almahasneh Fatimah, Durrant Alexandra Margaret, Benest Andrew Vaughan, Blackley Zoe, Ballmer-Hofer Kurt, Hirashima Masanori, Hulse Richard Phillip, Bates David Owen, Donaldson Lucy Frances, ;2018;Brain, behavior, and immunity;74;2264-2279; 29548992
  • Hypoxia-induced carbonic anhydrase mediated dorsal horn neuron activation and induction of neuropathic pain.;Da Vitoria Lobo Marlene E, Weir Nick, Hardowar Lydia, Al Ojaimi Yara, Madden Ryan, Gibson Alex, Bestall Samuel M, Hirashima Masanori, Schaffer Chris B, Donaldson Lucy F, Bates David O, Hulse Richard Philip, ;2022;Pain;163;e010662; 35353768
  • Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1 Signaling Modulates Vascular Endothelial Function Through Reactive Oxygen Species.;Reho John J, Guo Deng-Fu, Rahmouni Kamal, ;2019;Journal of the American Heart Association;8;R228-R237; 31020916
  • Vascular effects of disrupting endothelial mTORC1 signaling in obesity.;Reho John J, Guo Deng-Fu, Beyer Andreas M, Wegman-Points Lauren, Pierce Gary L, Rahmouni Kamal, ;2021;American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology;321;594-604; 34189960
  • mTORC1 (Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1) Signaling in Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Cells Is Required for Vascular Function.;Reho John J, Guo Deng-Fu, Morgan Donald A, Rahmouni Kamal, ;2021;Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979);77;1133-1148.e3; 33356400
  • Astrocytes Integrate Behavioral State and Vascular Signals during Functional Hyperemia.;Tran Cam Ha T, Peringod Govind, Gordon Grant R, ;2018;Neuron;100;1683-1697; 30482689
  • Selective Deletion of Leptin Signaling in Endothelial Cells Enhances Neointima Formation and Phenocopies the Vascular Effects of Diet-Induced Obesity in Mice.;Hubert Astrid, Bochenek Magdalena L, Schütz Eva, Gogiraju Rajinikanth, Münzel Thomas, Schäfer Katrin, ;2017;Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology;37;204-16; 28705795
  • Endothelial deletion of protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B protects against pressure overload-induced heart failure in mice.;Gogiraju Rajinikanth, Schroeter Marco R, Bochenek Magdalena L, Hubert Astrid, Münzel Thomas, Hasenfuss Gerd, Schäfer Katrin, ;2016;Cardiovascular research;111;2187-96; 27207947
  • Endothelial p53 deletion improves angiogenesis and prevents cardiac fibrosis and heart failure induced by pressure overload in mice.;Gogiraju Rajinikanth, Xu Xingbo, Bochenek Magdalena L, Steinbrecher Julia H, Lehnart Stephan E, Wenzel Philip, Kessel Michael, Zeisberg Elisabeth M, Dobbelstein Matthias, Schäfer Katrin, ;2015;Journal of the American Heart Association;4;197-202; 25713289
  • Pulsatile shear and Gja5 modulate arterial identity and remodeling events during flow-driven arteriogenesis.;Buschmann Ivo, Pries Axel, Styp-Rekowska Beata, Hillmeister Philipp, Loufrani Laurent, Henrion Daniel, Shi Yu, Duelsner Andre, Hoefer Imo, Gatzke Nora, Wang Haitao, Lehmann Kerstin, Ulm Lena, Ritter Zully, Hauff Peter, Hlushchuk Ruslan, Djonov Valentin, van Veen Toon, le Noble Ferdinand, ;2010;Development (Cambridge, England);137;1739-51; 20530546
  • Vascular endothelial insulin/IGF-1 signaling controls skin wound vascularization.;Aghdam Saeed Yadranji, Eming Sabine A, Willenborg Sebastian, Neuhaus Brit, Niessen Carien M, Partridge Linda, Krieg Thomas, Bruning Jens C, ;2012;Biochemical and biophysical research communications;421;2142-9; 22503682
  • Conditional targeting of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 reveals opposing functions of Toll-like receptor signaling in endothelial and myeloid cells in a mouse model of atherosclerosis.;Polykratis Apostolos, van Loo Geert, Xanthoulea Sofia, Hellmich Martin, Pasparakis Manolis, ;2012;Circulation;126;2523-32; 22935568
  • Phosphoinositide 3-kinase β mediates microvascular endothelial repair of thrombotic microangiopathy.;Haddad George, Zhabyeyev Pavel, Farhan Maikel, Zhu Lin Fu, Kassiri Zamaneh, Rayner David C, Vanhaesebroeck Bart, Oudit Gavin Y, Murray Allan G, ;2014;Blood;124;1772-82; 25139353
  • Clonal analysis identifies hemogenic endothelium as the source of the blood-endothelial common lineage in the mouse embryo.;Padrón-Barthe Laura, Temiño Susana, Villa del Campo Cristina, Carramolino Laura, Isern Joan, Torres Miguel, ;2014;Blood;124;203-214; 25139355
  • Vascular signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 promotes angiogenesis and neuroplasticity long-term after stroke.;Hoffmann Christian J, Harms Ulrike, Rex Andre, Szulzewsky Frank, Wolf Susanne A, Grittner Ulrike, Lättig-Tünnemann Gisela, Sendtner Michael, Kettenmann Helmut, Dirnagl Ulrich, Endres Matthias, Harms Christoph, ;2015;Circulation;131;e023912; 25794850
  • Tip-cell behavior is regulated by transcription factor FoxO1 under hypoxic conditions in developing mouse retinas.;Fukumoto Moe, Kondo Kanako, Uni Kazumasa, Ishiguro Tomoko, Hayashi Mikiko, Ueda Shinnosuke, Mori Itsuki, Niimi Kenta, Tashiro Fumi, Miyazaki Satsuki, Miyazaki Jun-Ichi, Inagaki Shinobu, Furuyama Tatsuo, ;2018;Angiogenesis;21;8276; 29185141
  • FOXO1 regulates developmental lymphangiogenesis by upregulating CXCR4 in the mouse-tail dermis.;Niimi Kenta, Kohara Misaki, Sedoh Eriko, Fukumoto Moe, Shibata Satoshi, Sawano Toshinori, Tashiro Fumi, Miyazaki Satsuki, Kubota Yoshiaki, Miyazaki Jun-Ichi, Inagaki Shinobu, Furuyama Tatsuo, ;2020;Development (Cambridge, England);147;; 31852686
  • Sex-Specific Differences in Endothelial Function Are Driven by Divergent Mitochondrial Ca2+ Handling.;Damacena de Angelis Celio, Endoni Benney T, Nuno Daniel, Lamping Kathryn, Ledolter Johannes, Koval Olha M, Grumbach Isabella M, ;2022;Journal of the American Heart Association;11;; 35766269
  • Deletion of endothelial leptin receptors in mice promotes diet-induced obesity.;Gogiraju Rajinikanth, Witzler Claudius, Shahneh Fatemeh, Hubert Astrid, Renner Luisa, Bochenek Magdalena L, Zifkos Konstantinos, Becker Christian, Thati Madhusudhan, Schäfer Katrin, ;2023;Scientific reports;13;; 37217565

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Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Frozen sperm. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

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Practical information

Genotyping protocol

Example health report
(Current health report will be provided later)

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Distribution of this strain is subject to a provider MTA. Both signing of the MTA and submission of the online EMMA Mutant Request Form are required before material can be shipped.

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INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).