Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:06024 |
International strain name | B6.129P2-Gja10tm2(HBEGF/EGFP)Kwi/Cnrm |
Alternative name | Cx57-DTRfrtCre |
Strain type | Targeted Mutant Strains : Knock-in |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Gja10tm2(HBEGF/EGFP)Kwi |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Gja10 |
Information from provider
Provider | Klaus Willecke |
Provider affiliation | LIMES Institute, University of Bonn |
Genetic information | The primate diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR, or heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor - HBEGF) is inserted into the mouse Gja10 (Cx57) locus leading to expression of the DTR in horizontal cells of the retina. Upon flp recombinase-mediated deletion, the DTR is exchanged for the cre recombinase. |
Phenotypic information | Allows ablation of retinal horizontal cells by systemic application of diphtheria toxin; without toxin administration, mice show the same phenotype as described for Cx57lacZ (EM:01644). |
Breeding history | The line was backcrossed at least five times to C57BL/6N. As the C57BL/6N background can harbour the Crb1rd8 (crumbs family member 1, retinal degeneration 8) mutation, researchers who want to use this transgenic strain for studying retinal phenotypes should check for the rd8 locus. For future experiments backcrossing to C57BL/6J would be recommended. The primer combination proposed in the paper by Mattapallil et al., 2012 (IOVS, Vol 53, No. 6, 2921-2927) should be useful to eliminate the rd8 mutation. |
References |
Homozygous fertile | yes |
Homozygous viable | yes |
Homozygous matings required | no |
Immunocompromised | no |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy |
Disease and phenotype information
IMPC phenotypes (gene matching)
MGI phenotypes (allele matching)
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
- abnormal retinal rod cell morphology / MGI
- abnormal retinal cone cell morphology / MGI
- abnormal retina morphology / MGI
- abnormal vision / MGI
- abnormal eye electrophysiology / MGI
- abnormal horizontal cell morphology / MGI
- retinal rod cell degeneration / MGI
- thin retinal outer plexiform layer / MGI
- disorganized retinal outer plexiform layer / MGI
Literature references
- Epigenetic regulation of promiscuous gene expression in thymic medullary epithelial cells.;Tykocinski Lars-Oliver, Sinemus Anna, Rezavandy Esmail, Weiland Yanina, Baddeley David, Cremer Christoph, Sonntag Stephan, Willecke Klaus, Derbinski Jens, Kyewski Bruno, ;2010;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;107;19426-31; 20966351
- Ablation of retinal horizontal cells from adult mice leads to rod degeneration and remodeling in the outer retina.;Sonntag Stephan, Dedek Karin, Dorgau Birthe, Schultz Konrad, Schmidt Karl-Friedrich, Cimiotti Kerstin, Weiler Reto, Löwel Siegrid, Willecke Klaus, Janssen-Bienhold Ulrike, ;2012;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;32;10713-24; 22855819
- Cell-specific cre recombinase expression allows selective ablation of glutamate receptors from mouse horizontal cells.;Ströh Sebastian, Sonntag Stephan, Janssen-Bienhold Ulrike, Schultz Konrad, Cimiotti Kerstin, Weiler Reto, Willecke Klaus, Dedek Karin, ;2013;PloS one;8;e83076; 24349437
- Synaptic Remodeling in the Cone Pathway After Early Postnatal Horizontal Cell Ablation.;Nemitz Lena, Dedek Karin, Janssen-Bienhold Ulrike, ;2021;Frontiers in cellular neuroscience;15;657594; 34122012
- Rod Bipolar Cells Require Horizontal Cells for Invagination Into the Terminals of Rod Photoreceptors.;Nemitz Lena, Dedek Karin, Janssen-Bienhold Ulrike, ;2019;Frontiers in cellular neuroscience;13;423; 31619966
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