Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:05149 |
International strain name | C57BL/6-Tg(CAG-flpo)1Afst/Ieg |
Alternative name | CAGGs-Flpo |
Strain type | Transgenic Strains |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Tg(CAG-flpo)1Afst |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Tg(CAG-flpo)1Afst |
Information from provider
Provider | Konstantinos Anastassiadis |
Provider affiliation | Stem Cell Engineering / Genomics, Center for Regenerative Therapies, Technische Universitaet Dresden |
Genetic information | Flpo-recombinase deleter strain. |
Phenotypic information | This is a flpo-recombinase deleter strain. There is no obvious phenotype observed. |
Breeding history | Backcrossed to C57BL/6 for at least 4 generations. Inbred for one generation to test for homozygosity. |
References |
Homozygous fertile | yes |
Homozygous viable | yes |
Homozygous matings required | no |
Immunocompromised | no |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen - German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH), Oberschleißheim, Germany |
Animals used for archiving | heterozygous C57BL/6J, wild-type C57BL/6J |
Stage of embryos | 2-cell |
Literature references
- An improved Flp deleter mouse in C57Bl/6 based on Flpo recombinase.;Kranz Andrea, Fu Jun, Duerschke Kristin, Weidlich Stefanie, Naumann Ronald, Stewart A Francis, Anastassiadis Konstantinos, ;2010;Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000);48;512-20; 20506501
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