

Available to order

International strain nameB6.129(Cg)-Criptotm1.1Gmin/Cnrm
Alternative nameCripto F78A
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains : Point mutation
Allele/Transgene symbolCriptotm1.1Gmin
Gene/Transgene symbolCripto

Information from provider

ProviderGabriella Minchiotti
Provider affiliationInstitute of Genetics and Biophysics "A. Buzzati-Traverso", CNR
Genetic informationThe mutation has been obtained by homologous recombination to introduce the amino acid substitution F78A in the Cripto (Tdgf1) gene. RI ES cells were transfected with a targeting vector that was derived from pFlox vector (Chen et al., 1998) and selected in G-418. The presence of the point mutation in the targeted cells was verified by PCR amplification and sequence analysis. Selected ES cells lines were used to generate germline chimeric mice that were subsequently bred to C57BL/6 females (Charles River Laboratories). F1 Cripto-F78Aneo heterozygotes were crossed with a Pgk-cre recombinase deleter strain to obtain the Cripto-F78A strain. For a more detailed description of the targeting vector, see D'Andrea et al. 2008, J Cell Biol.
Phenotypic informationEmbryonic lethal at 10.5 dpc. Cripto-F78A/F78A embryos establish an A-P axis and initiate germ layer formation and gastrulation movements. The heterozygous mutants do not show any apparent phenotype, they are healthy and fertile.
Breeding historyMice heterozygous for the Cripto-F78A allele are backcrossed to an inbred C57BL/6 strain.
  • Cripto promotes A-P axis specification independently of its stimulatory effect on Nodal autoinduction.;D'Andrea Daniela, Liguori Giovanna L, Le Good J Ann, Lonardo Enza, Andersson Olov, Constam Daniel B, Persico Maria G, Minchiotti Gabriella, ;2008;The Journal of cell biology;180;597-605; 18268105
Homozygous fertileno
Homozygous viableno
Homozygous matings requiredno

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreCNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy
Animals used for archivingheterozygous C57BL/6, wild-type C57BL/6
Stage of embryos2-cell

Disease and phenotype information

Orphanet associated rare diseases, based on orthologous gene matching

IMPC phenotypes (gene matching)
  • preweaning lethality, complete penetrance / IMPC
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
  • abnormal heart morphology / MGI
  • abnormal heart development / MGI
  • absent notochord / MGI
  • abnormal germ layer development / MGI
  • abnormal mesoderm development / MGI
  • absent mesoderm / MGI
  • abnormal endoderm development / MGI
  • failure of primitive streak formation / MGI
  • abnormal gastrulation / MGI
  • abnormal embryo turning / MGI
  • absent vitelline blood vessels / MGI
  • embryonic growth arrest / MGI
  • premature death / MGI
  • abnormal developmental patterning / MGI
  • abnormal embryonic tissue morphology / MGI
  • abnormal extraembryonic tissue morphology / MGI
  • no abnormal phenotype detected / MGI
  • abnormal primitive streak formation / MGI
  • abnormal chorion morphology / MGI
  • abnormal cell adhesion / MGI
  • abnormal embryonic neuroepithelium morphology / MGI
  • absent prechordal plate / MGI
  • abnormal amnion morphology / MGI
  • holoprosencephaly / MGI
  • cyclopia / MGI
  • abnormal rostral-caudal axis patterning / MGI
  • embryo phenotype / MGI
  • absent somites / MGI
  • abnormal mesendoderm development / MGI
  • embryonic lethality, complete penetrance / MGI
  • embryonic lethality during organogenesis, complete penetrance / MGI
  • abnormal visceral endoderm morphology / MGI
  • abnormal visceral yolk sac blood island morphology / MGI
  • abnormal neural fold morphology / MGI
  • decreased fibroblast proliferation / MGI
  • fused somites / MGI
  • decreased midbrain size / MGI
  • decreased forebrain size / MGI
  • rostral body truncation / MGI
  • short rostral-caudal axis / MGI
  • absent anterior definitive endoderm / MGI

Literature references

  • Cripto promotes A-P axis specification independently of its stimulatory effect on Nodal autoinduction.;D'Andrea Daniela, Liguori Giovanna L, Le Good J Ann, Lonardo Enza, Andersson Olov, Constam Daniel B, Persico Maria G, Minchiotti Gabriella, ;2008;The Journal of cell biology;180;597-605; 18268105

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Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

More details on pricing and delivery times

Practical information

Example health report
(Current health report will be provided later)

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
For this strain no provider MTA is needed. Distribution is based on the EMMA conditions only.

EMMA conditions
Legally binding conditions for the transfer

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