

Available to order

International strain nameB6.129X1-Thtm1(cre)Te/Kieg
Alternative nameTh-IRES-Cre
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains : Knock-in
Allele/Transgene symbolThtm1(cre)Te,
Gene/Transgene symbolTh

Information from provider

ProviderTed Ebendal
Provider affiliationDepartment of Neuroscience, Uppsala University
Genetic informationThe cre recombinase (derived from te pMC-Cre plamid obtained by Klaus Rajewsky) was cloned following an IRES sequence (obtained from Austin Smith). An frt-flanked neomycin selection cassette was added and the construct cloned in the 3' untranslated end of the tyrosine hydroxylase (Th) gene (as described by Althini et al., 2003, J Neurosci Res 72: 444-453). The coding sequence of Th is not affected, nor are the expression levels, so both the TH and cre recombinase proteins are produced in Th-expressing cells of this mouse line.
Phenotypic informationNo phenotypic manifestations noted.
Breeding historyGenerated by blastocyst injection of 129/SvJ ES cells into C57BL/6J blastocysts. The frt-flanked neo cassette has been eliminated by crossing with FLP-deleter mice (Susan Dymecki). Maintained since year 2000 by backcrossing to our colony of C57BL/6J originating from Bomholtgard (Denmark). Currently we maintain neo-minus N11 mice.
  • Transgenic expression of Cre recombinase from the tyrosine hydroxylase locus.;Lindeberg Jonas, Usoskin Dmitry, Bengtsson Henrik, Gustafsson Anna, Kylberg Annika, Söderström Stine, Ebendal Ted, ;2004;Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000);40;67-73; 15452869

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreKarolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Animals used for archivingheterozygous , wild-type C57BL/6J
Stage of embryos2-cell

Literature references

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  • Optogenetic interrogation of dopaminergic modulation of the multiple phases of reward-seeking behavior.;Adamantidis Antoine R, Tsai Hsing-Chen, Boutrel Benjamin, Zhang Feng, Stuber Garret D, Budygin Evgeny A, Touriño Clara, Bonci Antonello, Deisseroth Karl, de Lecea Luis, ;2011;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;31;10829-35; 21795535
  • Dopamine triggers heterosynaptic plasticity.;Ishikawa Masago, Otaka Mami, Huang Yanhua H, Neumann Peter A, Winters Bradley D, Grace Anthony A, Schlüter Oliver M, Dong Yan, ;2013;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;33;6759-65; 23595734
  • A locus coeruleus to dentate gyrus noradrenergic circuit modulates aversive contextual processing.;Seo Dong-Oh, Zhang Eric T, Piantadosi Sean C, Marcus David J, Motard Laura E, Kan Bryce K, Gomez Adrian M, Nguyen Tammy K, Xia Li, Bruchas Michael R, ;2021;Neuron;109;2116-2130.e6; 34081911
  • State-Dependent Subnetworks of Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneurons in Neocortex.;Garcia-Junco-Clemente Pablo, Tring Elaine, Ringach Dario L, Trachtenberg Joshua T, ;2019;Cell reports;26;2282-2288.e3; 30811979
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  • Considerations when using cre-driver rodent lines for studying ventral tegmental area circuitry.;Stuber Garret D, Stamatakis Alice M, Kantak Pranish A, ;2015;Neuron;85;439-45; 25611514
  • Engineered AAVs for non-invasive gene delivery to rodent and non-human primate nervous systems.;Chen Xinhong, Ravindra Kumar Sripriya, Adams Cameron D, Yang Daping, Wang Tongtong, Wolfe Damien A, Arokiaraj Cynthia M, Ngo Victoria, Campos Lillian J, Griffiths Jessica A, Ichiki Takako, Mazmanian Sarkis K, Osborne Peregrine B, Keast Janet R, Miller Cory T, Fox Andrew S, Chiu Isaac M, Gradinaru Viviana, ;2022;Neuron;110;2242-2257.e6; 35643078
  • Cardiovascular baroreflex circuit moonlights in sleep control.;Yao Yuanyuan, Barger Zeke, Saffari Doost Mohammad, Tso Chak Foon, Darmohray Dana, Silverman Daniel, Liu Danqian, Ma Chenyan, Cetin Ali, Yao Shenqin, Zeng Hongkui, Dan Yang, ;2022;Neuron;110;3986-3999.e6; 36170850
  • Control of Non-REM Sleep by Midbrain Neurotensinergic Neurons.;Zhong Peng, Zhang Zhe, Barger Zeke, Ma Chenyan, Liu Danqian, Ding Xinlu, Dan Yang, ;2019;Neuron;104;795-809.e6; 31582313
  • Sleep Regulation by Neurotensinergic Neurons in a Thalamo-Amygdala Circuit.;Ma Chenyan, Zhong Peng, Liu Danqian, Barger Zeke Katsh, Zhou Li, Chang Wei-Cheng, Kim Brian, Dan Yang, ;2019;Neuron;103;323-334.e7; 31178114
  • Dorsal Raphe Dopamine Neurons Modulate Arousal and Promote Wakefulness by Salient Stimuli.;Cho Jounhong Ryan, Treweek Jennifer B, Robinson J Elliott, Xiao Cheng, Bremner Lindsay R, Greenbaum Alon, Gradinaru Viviana, ;2017;Neuron;94;1205-1219.e8; 28602690
  • Impairment of Macroautophagy in Dopamine Neurons Has Opposing Effects on Parkinsonian Pathology and Behavior.;Hunn Benjamin H M, Vingill Siv, Threlfell Sarah, Alegre-Abarrategui Javier, Magdelyns Morgane, Deltheil Thierry, Bengoa-Vergniory Nora, Oliver Peter L, Cioroch Milena, Doig Natalie M, Bannerman David M, Cragg Stephanie J, Wade-Martins Richard, ;2019;Cell reports;29;920-931.e7; 31644913
  • Phasic dopamine release in the medial prefrontal cortex enhances stimulus discrimination.;Popescu Andrei T, Zhou Michael R, Poo Mu-Ming, ;2016;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;113;E3169-76; 27185946
  • Sympathetic innervation of the mouse kidney and liver arising from prevertebral ganglia.;Torres Hayden, Huesing Clara, Burk David H, Molinas Adrien J R, Neuhuber Winfried L, Berthoud Hans-Rudolf, Münzberg Heike, Derbenev Andrei V, Zsombok Andrea, ;2021;American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology;321;R328-R337; 34231420
  • Mechanism for Hypocretin-mediated sleep-to-wake transitions.;Carter Matthew E, Brill Julia, Bonnavion Patricia, Huguenard John R, Huerta Ramon, de Lecea Luis, ;2012;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;109;E2635-44; 22955882
  • VTA dopaminergic neurons regulate ethologically relevant sleep-wake behaviors.;Eban-Rothschild Ada, Rothschild Gideon, Giardino William J, Jones Jeff R, de Lecea Luis, ;2016;Nature neuroscience;19;1356-66; 27595385
  • Hyperexcitable arousal circuits drive sleep instability during aging.;Li Shi-Bin, Damonte Valentina Martinez, Chen Chong, Wang Gordon X, Kebschull Justus M, Yamaguchi Hiroshi, Bian Wen-Jie, Purmann Carolin, Pattni Reenal, Urban Alexander Eckehart, Mourrain Philippe, Kauer Julie A, Scherrer Grégory, de Lecea Luis, ;2022;Science (New York, N.Y.);375;eabh3021; 35201886
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  • Diversity of transgenic mouse models for selective targeting of midbrain dopamine neurons.;Lammel Stephan, Steinberg Elizabeth E, Földy Csaba, Wall Nicholas R, Beier Kevin, Luo Liqun, Malenka Robert C, ;2015;Neuron;85;1465-1485; 25611513
  • Sympathetic innervation of inguinal white adipose tissue in the mouse.;Huesing Clara, Qualls-Creekmore Emily, Lee Nathan, François Marie, Torres Hayden, Zhang Rui, Burk David H, Yu Sangho, Morrison Christopher D, Berthoud Hans-Rudolf, Neuhuber Winfried, Münzberg Heike, ;2021;The Journal of comparative neurology;529;3-13; 32935348
  • Sympathetic innervation of the interscapular brown adipose tissue in mouse.;François Marie, Torres Hayden, Huesing Clara, Zhang Rui, Saurage Carson, Lee Nathan, Qualls-Creekmore Emily, Yu Sangho, Morrison Christopher D, Burk David, Berthoud Hans Rudolf, Münzberg Heike, ;2019;Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences;1454;6455-60; 31184376
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  • Ventral Tegmental Area Projection Regulates Glutamatergic Transmission in Nucleus Accumbens.;Yu Jun, Ishikawa Masago, Wang Junshi, Schlüter Oliver M, Sesack Susan R, Dong Yan, ;2019;Scientific reports;9;e66122; 31804595
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  • Neurons in the caudal ventrolateral medulla mediate descending pain control.;Gu Xinglong, Zhang Yizhen Z, O'Malley John J, De Preter Caitlynn C, Penzo Mario, Hoon Mark A, ;2023;Nature neuroscience;26;7972; 36894654
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  • Direct Parabrachial-Cortical Connectivity.;Grady Fillan, Peltekian Lila, Iverson Gabrielle, Geerling Joel C, ;2020;Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991);30;198; 32383444
  • Chemogenetic activation of locus coeruleus neurons ameliorates the severity of multiple sclerosis.;Torrillas-de la Cal Alejandro, Torres-Sanchez Sonia, Bravo Lidia, Llorca-Torralba Meritxell, Garcia-Partida Jose Antonio, Arroba Ana I, Berrocoso Esther, ;2023;Journal of neuroinflammation;20;; 37658434

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Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

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Practical information

Genotyping protocol

Example health report
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Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
For this strain no provider MTA is needed. Distribution is based on the EMMA conditions only.

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INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).