

Available to order

International strain nameB6.129S2-Nr1d1tm1Schb/Cnrm
Alternative nameREV-ERBalpha-KO
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains : Knock-out
Allele/Transgene symbolNr1d1tm1Schb
Gene/Transgene symbolNr1d1

Information from provider

ProviderUeli Schibler
Provider affiliationUniversity of Geneva
Genetic informationA genomic fragment containing part of exon 2, exons 3 and 4 and part of exon 5 was replaced with an in-frame lacZ gene and a neomycin selection cassette. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that no detectable transcript is expressed from this allele, and Western blot analysis confirmed that no detectable protein is made from this allele.
Phenotypic informationHomozygotes for targeted null mutations exhibit altered circadian behavior and mild alterations in cytoarchitecture of the cerebellum. Litter size is reduced by half in mutant females.
Breeding historyBackcrossed to C57BL/6J background for more than 6 generations.
  • The orphan nuclear receptor REV-ERBalpha controls circadian transcription within the positive limb of the mammalian circadian oscillator.;Preitner Nicolas, Damiola Francesca, Lopez-Molina Luis, Zakany Joszef, Duboule Denis, Albrecht Urs, Schibler Ueli, ;2002;Cell;110;251-60; 12150932
Homozygous fertileno
Homozygous viableyes
Homozygous matings requiredno
Immunocompromisednot known

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreCNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy

Disease and phenotype information

IMPC phenotypes (gene matching)
  • abnormal retina inner nuclear layer morphology / IMPC
  • dysplasia / IMPC
  • enlarged heart / IMPC
  • decreased NK cell number / IMPC
  • increased mean corpuscular volume / IMPC
  • decreased total retina thickness / IMPC
  • unresponsive to tactile stimuli / IMPC
  • decreased total body fat amount / IMPC
  • preweaning lethality, incomplete penetrance / IMPC
  • abnormal eye posterior chamber depth / IMPC
  • increased bone mineral content / IMPC
  • decreased circulating alkaline phosphatase level / IMPC
  • increased circulating iron level / IMPC
  • decreased hemoglobin content / IMPC
  • abnormal eye anterior chamber depth / IMPC
  • abnormal eye morphology / IMPC
  • decreased cardiac output / IMPC
  • metaplasia / IMPC
  • decreased thigmotaxis / IMPC
  • hyperactivity / IMPC
MGI phenotypes (allele matching)
  • decreased litter size / MGI
  • shortened circadian behavior period / MGI
  • advanced circadian behavior phase / MGI
  • increased circulating LDL cholesterol level / MGI
  • increased circulating HDL cholesterol level / MGI
  • abnormal bile salt homeostasis / MGI
  • decreased liver triglyceride level / MGI
  • decreased liver cholesterol level / MGI
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
  • increased circulating LDL cholesterol level / MGI
  • abnormal cerebellum morphology / MGI
  • abnormal cerebellum development / MGI
  • abnormal cerebellum external granule cell layer morphology / MGI
  • abnormal cerebellar molecular layer / MGI
  • decreased body weight / MGI
  • increased circulating HDL cholesterol level / MGI
  • reduced male fertility / MGI
  • reduced female fertility / MGI
  • decreased litter size / MGI
  • no phenotypic analysis / MGI
  • abnormal cerebellar granule cell morphology / MGI
  • increased oxygen consumption / MGI
  • abnormal bile salt homeostasis / MGI
  • increased body temperature / MGI
  • abnormal Purkinje cell dendrite morphology / MGI
  • abnormal Purkinje cell differentiation / MGI
  • decreased liver triglyceride level / MGI
  • increased skeletal muscle fiber size / MGI
  • abnormal skeletal muscle fiber type ratio / MGI
  • decreased sensitivity to induced morbidity/mortality / MGI
  • decreased liver cholesterol level / MGI
  • increased core body temperature / MGI
  • abnormal circadian temperature homeostasis / MGI
  • postnatal lethality, incomplete penetrance / MGI
  • shortened circadian behavior period / MGI
  • advanced circadian behavior phase / MGI
  • decreased susceptibility to induced hypothermia / MGI
  • increased adipocyte glucose uptake / MGI

Literature references

  • The orphan nuclear receptor REV-ERBalpha controls circadian transcription within the positive limb of the mammalian circadian oscillator.;Preitner Nicolas, Damiola Francesca, Lopez-Molina Luis, Zakany Joszef, Duboule Denis, Albrecht Urs, Schibler Ueli, ;2002;Cell;110;251-60; 12150932
  • TH17 cell differentiation is regulated by the circadian clock.;Yu Xiaofei, Rollins Darcy, Ruhn Kelly A, Stubblefield Jeremy J, Green Carla B, Kashiwada Masaki, Rothman Paul B, Takahashi Joseph S, Hooper Lora V, ;2013;Science (New York, N.Y.);342;727-30; 24202171

Information on how we integrate external resources can be found here



Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

More details on pricing and delivery times

Practical information

Example health report
(Current health report will be provided later)

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
For this strain no provider MTA is needed. Distribution is based on the EMMA conditions only.

EMMA conditions
Legally binding conditions for the transfer

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INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).