

Available to order

International strain nameB6;129P2-Gjb2tm1Ugds/Cnrm
Alternative nameCx26 flox
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains : Conditional mutation
Allele/Transgene symbolGjb2tm1Ugds
Gene/Transgene symbolGjb2

Information from provider

ProviderKlaus WILLECKE
Provider affiliationMolekulargenetik, Institut fuer Genetik, Universitaet Bonn
Genetic informationThe whole open reading frame of exon 2 of the Gjb2 (connexin 26) gene is replaced by a construct flanked by three loxP sites and containing the exon 2 of Gjb2 and a neomycin-selection cassette; cre recombinase activity will delete the loxP-flanked exon 2 of Gjb2 and the selection marker gene (neomycin resistance).
Phenotypic informationReduced expression of Gjb2 (connexin 26) protein.
Breeding historyAfter blastocyst injection the chimeras were bred with C57BL/6NCrl to obtain brown coat coloured offspring. This brown offspring was backcrossed to C57BL/6NCrl more than three times.
  • Targeted ablation of connexin26 in the inner ear epithelial gap junction network causes hearing impairment and cell death.;Cohen-Salmon Martine, Ott Thomas, Michel Vincent, Hardelin Jean Pierre, Perfettini Isabelle, Eybalin Michel, Wu Tao, Marcus Daniel C, Wangemann Philine, Willecke Klaus, Petit Christine, ;2002;Current biology : CB;12;1106-11; 12121617

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreCNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy
Breeding at archiving centreBackcrossed to C57BL/6J

Disease and phenotype information

Orphanet associated rare diseases, based on orthologous gene matching

MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
  • absent mandible / MGI
  • decreased embryo size / MGI
  • abnormal placenta development / MGI
  • abnormal lymphatic vessel morphology / MGI
  • no abnormal phenotype detected / MGI
  • no phenotypic analysis / MGI
  • lymphedema / MGI
  • embryonic growth retardation / MGI
  • decreased fetal size / MGI
  • fetal growth retardation / MGI
  • abnormal placental transport / MGI
  • cardiovascular system phenotype / MGI
  • abnormal mesenchyme morphology / MGI
  • abnormal placental labyrinth vasculature morphology / MGI
  • absent lymphatic vessels / MGI
  • prenatal lethality, complete penetrance / MGI
  • embryonic lethality during organogenesis, complete penetrance / MGI
  • lethality throughout fetal growth and development, complete penetrance / MGI
  • decreased placental labyrinth size / MGI

Literature references

  • Targeted ablation of connexin26 in the inner ear epithelial gap junction network causes hearing impairment and cell death.;Cohen-Salmon Martine, Ott Thomas, Michel Vincent, Hardelin Jean Pierre, Perfettini Isabelle, Eybalin Michel, Wu Tao, Marcus Daniel C, Wangemann Philine, Willecke Klaus, Petit Christine, ;2002;Current biology : CB;12;1106-11; 12121617
  • Connexin30 null and conditional connexin26 null mice display distinct pattern and time course of cellular degeneration in the cochlea.;Sun Yu, Tang Wenxue, Chang Qing, Wang Yunfeng, Kong Weijia, Lin Xi, ;2009;The Journal of comparative neurology;516;569-79; 19673007
  • Inner Ear Connexin Channels: Roles in Development and Maintenance of Cochlear Function.;Mammano Fabio, ;2019;Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine;9;301-317; 30181354
  • Cx26 partial loss causes accelerated presbycusis by redox imbalance and dysregulation of Nfr2 pathway.;Fetoni Anna Rita, Zorzi Veronica, Paciello Fabiola, Ziraldo Gaia, Peres Chiara, Raspa Marcello, Scavizzi Ferdinando, Salvatore Anna Maria, Crispino Giulia, Tognola Gabriella, Gentile Giulia, Spampinato Antonio Gianmaria, Cuccaro Denis, Guarnaccia Maria, Morello Giovanna, Van Camp Guy, Fransen Erik, Brumat Marco, Girotto Giorgia, Paludetti Gaetano, Gasparini Paolo, Cavallaro Sebastiano, Mammano Fabio, ;2018;Redox biology;19;33-7; 30199819
  • Targeted connexin26 ablation arrests postnatal development of the organ of Corti.;Wang Yunfeng, Chang Qing, Tang Wenxue, Sun Yu, Zhou Binfei, Li Huawei, Lin Xi, ;2009;Biochemical and biophysical research communications;385;36-41; 19433060
  • Cell degeneration is not a primary causer for Connexin26 (GJB2) deficiency associated hearing loss.;Liang Chun, Zhu Yan, Zong Liang, Lu Guang-Jin, Zhao Hong-Bo, ;2012;Neuroscience letters;528;28-32; 22975134
  • Deafness induced by Connexin 26 (GJB2) deficiency is not determined by endocochlear potential (EP) reduction but is associated with cochlear developmental disorders.;Chen Jin, Chen Jing, Zhu Yan, Liang Chun, Zhao Hong-Bo, ;2014;Biochemical and biophysical research communications;448;719-729; 24732355
  • Connexin26 (GJB2) deficiency reduces active cochlear amplification leading to late-onset hearing loss.;Zhu Y, Chen J, Liang C, Zong L, Chen J, Jones R O, Zhao H-B, ;2015;Neuroscience;284;15647; 25451287
  • Connexin26 gap junction mediates miRNA intercellular genetic communication in the cochlea and is required for inner ear development.;Zhu Yan, Zong Liang, Mei Ling, Zhao Hong-Bo, ;2015;Scientific reports;5;10762; 26490746
  • Pannexin1 channels dominate ATP release in the cochlea ensuring endocochlear potential and auditory receptor potential generation and hearing.;Chen Jin, Zhu Yan, Liang Chun, Chen Jing, Zhao Hong-Bo, ;2015;Scientific reports;5;195-203; 26035172
  • A deafness mechanism of digenic Cx26 (GJB2) and Cx30 (GJB6) mutations: Reduction of endocochlear potential by impairment of heterogeneous gap junctional function in the cochlear lateral wall.;Mei Ling, Chen Jin, Zong Liang, Zhu Yan, Liang Chun, Jones Raleigh O, Zhao Hong-Bo, ;2017;Neurobiology of disease;108;223-227; 28823936
  • Progressive age-dependence and frequency difference in the effect of gap junctions on active cochlear amplification and hearing.;Zong Liang, Chen Jin, Zhu Yan, Zhao Hong-Bo, ;2017;Biochemical and biophysical research communications;489;e0167850; 28552523
  • Sound-Induced Intracellular Ca2+ Dynamics in the Adult Hearing Cochlea.;Chan Dylan K, Rouse Stephanie L, ;2016;PloS one;11;1786; 27959894
  • Active cochlear amplification is dependent on supporting cell gap junctions.;Zhu Yan, Liang Chun, Chen Jin, Zong Liang, Chen Guang-Di, Zhao Hong-Bo, ;2013;Nature communications;4;313-327; 23653198
  • Efferent neurons control hearing sensitivity and protect hearing from noise through the regulation of gap junctions between cochlear supporting cells.;Zhao Hong-Bo, Liu Li-Man, Yu Ning, Zhu Yan, Mei Ling, Chen Jin, Liang Chun, ;2022;Journal of neurophysiology;127;eadf4144; 34907797
  • Cx26 heterozygous mutations cause hyperacusis-like hearing oversensitivity and increase susceptibility to noise.;Liu Li-Man, Liang Chun, Chen Jin, Fang Shu, Zhao Hong-Bo, ;2023;Science advances;9;e3002160; 36753545
  • Preservation of developmental spontaneous activity enables early auditory system maturation in deaf mice.;Kersbergen Calvin J, Babola Travis A, Kanold Patrick O, Bergles Dwight E, ;2023;PLoS biology;21;; 37368868

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Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

More details on pricing and delivery times

Practical information

Genotyping protocol

Example health report
(Current health report will be provided later)

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
For this strain no provider MTA is needed. Distribution is based on the EMMA conditions only.

EMMA conditions
Legally binding conditions for the transfer

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INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).