

Available to order

International strain nameB6;129S7-Tbx1tm3Bld/Cnrm
Alternative nameTbx1Flox
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains : Conditional mutation
Allele/Transgene symbolTbx1tm3Bld
Gene/Transgene symbolTbx1

Information from provider

ProviderAntonio BALDINI
Provider affiliationInstitute of Genetics and Biophysics (IGB), National Research Council (CNR)
Genetic informationExon 5 of the Tbx1 gene is modified so that is flanked by loxP sites. The insertion of the loxP sites does not affect the function of the gene.
Phenotypic informationThere is no abnormal phenotype associated with this mutation, unless there is Cre-induced recombination.
  • Tbx1 has a dual role in the morphogenesis of the cardiac outflow tract.;Xu Huansheng, Morishima Masae, Wylie John N, Schwartz Robert J, Bruneau Benoit G, Lindsay Elizabeth A, Baldini Antonio, ;2004;Development (Cambridge, England);131;3217-27; 15175244
  • Tbx1 regulates population, proliferation and cell fate determination of otic epithelial cells.;Xu Huansheng, Viola Antonella, Zhang Zhen, Gerken Claudia P, Lindsay-Illingworth Elizabeth A, Baldini Antonio, ;2007;Developmental biology;302;670-82; 17074316
  • Timed mutation and cell-fate mapping reveal reiterated roles of Tbx1 during embryogenesis, and a crucial function during segmentation of the pharyngeal system via regulation of endoderm expansion.;Xu Huansheng, Cerrato Fabiana, Baldini Antonio, ;2005;Development (Cambridge, England);132;4387-95; 16141220
  • Mesodermal expression of Tbx1 is necessary and sufficient for pharyngeal arch and cardiac outflow tract development.;Zhang Zhen, Huynh Tuong, Baldini Antonio, ;2006;Development (Cambridge, England);133;3587-95; 16914493
  • Tbx1 expression in pharyngeal epithelia is necessary for pharyngeal arch artery development.;Zhang Zhen, Cerrato Fabiana, Xu Huansheng, Vitelli Francesca, Morishima Masae, Vincentz Joshua, Furuta Yasuhide, Ma Lijiang, Martin James F, Baldini Antonio, Lindsay Elizabeth, ;2005;Development (Cambridge, England);132;5307-15; 16284121
  • A phenotypic rescue approach identifies lineage regionalization defects in a mouse model of DiGeorge syndrome.;Lania Gabriella, Franzese Monica, Adachi Noritaka, Bilio Marchesa, Flore Gemma, Russo Annalaura, D'Agostino Erika, Angelini Claudia, Kelly Robert G, Baldini Antonio, ;2022;Disease models & mechanisms;15;; 35946435

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreCNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy

Disease and phenotype information

Orphanet associated rare diseases, based on orthologous gene matching

IMPC phenotypes (gene matching)
  • abnormal placenta morphology / IMPC
  • persistence of hyaloid vascular system / IMPC
  • abnormal blood vessel morphology / IMPC
  • abnormal skin morphology / IMPC
  • edema / IMPC
  • hyperactivity / IMPC
  • preweaning lethality, complete penetrance / IMPC
  • microphthalmia / IMPC
  • embryonic growth retardation / IMPC
  • anophthalmia / IMPC
  • abnormal pancreas morphology / IMPC
  • abnormal eye morphology / IMPC
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
  • small ears / MGI
  • abnormal ear shape / MGI
  • lowered ear position / MGI
  • abnormal inner ear morphology / MGI
  • abnormal malleus morphology / MGI
  • abnormal tympanic ring morphology / MGI
  • absent semicircular canals / MGI
  • abnormal lateral semicircular canal morphology / MGI
  • abnormal otic capsule morphology / MGI
  • abnormal middle ear morphology / MGI
  • short mandible / MGI
  • cleft palate / MGI
  • kyphosis / MGI
  • abnormal heart development / MGI
  • abnormal interventricular septum morphology / MGI
  • double outlet right ventricle / MGI
  • abnormal cranium morphology / MGI
  • kinked tail / MGI
  • absent parathyroid glands / MGI
  • abnormal thymus development / MGI
  • athymia / MGI
  • small thymus / MGI
  • abnormal myogenesis / MGI
  • abnormal cranial nerve morphology / MGI
  • abnormal trigeminal nerve morphology / MGI
  • abnormal mandibular nerve branching / MGI
  • abnormal facial nerve morphology / MGI
  • abnormal vestibulocochlear nerve morphology / MGI
  • abnormal glossopharyngeal nerve morphology / MGI
  • abnormal vagus nerve morphology / MGI
  • abnormal accessory nerve morphology / MGI
  • abnormal glossopharyngeal ganglion morphology / MGI
  • abnormal vagus ganglion morphology / MGI
  • abnormal blood vessel morphology / MGI
  • decreased embryo size / MGI
  • edema / MGI
  • skin edema / MGI
  • thymus hypoplasia / MGI
  • increased susceptibility to otitis media / MGI
  • abnormal lymphatic vessel morphology / MGI
  • respiratory failure / MGI
  • abnormal motor capabilities/coordination/movement / MGI
  • postnatal lethality / MGI
  • abnormal ear morphology / MGI
  • abnormal craniofacial bone morphology / MGI
  • abnormal cardiovascular system morphology / MGI
  • no abnormal phenotype detected / MGI
  • abnormal outer ear morphology / MGI
  • hydrops fetalis / MGI
  • abnormal pharyngeal muscle morphology / MGI
  • abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology / MGI
  • abnormal laryngeal muscle morphology / MGI
  • abnormal semicircular canal morphology / MGI
  • abnormal social/conspecific interaction / MGI
  • persistent truncus arteriosis / MGI
  • micrognathia / MGI
  • abnormal pharyngeal arch artery morphology / MGI
  • abnormal semilunar valve morphology / MGI
  • increased thigmotaxis / MGI
  • abnormal cochlear ganglion morphology / MGI
  • abnormal pharyngeal arch morphology / MGI
  • abnormal cardiovascular development / MGI
  • abnormal neural crest cell migration / MGI
  • abnormal cervical vertebrae morphology / MGI
  • curly tail / MGI
  • abnormal hyoid bone morphology / MGI
  • anotia / MGI
  • absent cochlea / MGI
  • absent lateral semicircular canal / MGI
  • abnormal artery development / MGI
  • abnormal response to novel object / MGI
  • ear lobe hypoplasia / MGI
  • abnormal vestibulocochlear ganglion morphology / MGI
  • abnormal facial morphology / MGI
  • abnormal palate morphology / MGI
  • vascular smooth muscle hypoplasia / MGI
  • absent pharyngeal arches / MGI
  • abnormal craniofacial development / MGI
  • lymphangiectasis / MGI
  • abnormal aortic arch morphology / MGI
  • interrupted aortic arch / MGI
  • right aortic arch / MGI
  • double aortic arch / MGI
  • retroesophageal right subclavian artery / MGI
  • cervical aortic arch / MGI
  • absent stapes / MGI
  • absent masseter muscle / MGI
  • absent pterygoid muscle / MGI
  • small otic vesicle / MGI
  • otic vesicle hypoplasia / MGI
  • absent inner ear vestibule / MGI
  • abnormal zygomatic arch morphology / MGI
  • pharynx hypoplasia / MGI
  • fusion of glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve / MGI
  • glossopharyngeal nerve hypoplasia / MGI
  • fusion of basioccipital and basisphenoid bone / MGI
  • abnormal vertebral arch morphology / MGI
  • abnormal cervical atlas morphology / MGI
  • abnormal cervical axis morphology / MGI
  • fusion of vertebral bodies / MGI
  • absent vertebral body / MGI
  • abnormal dorsal aorta morphology / MGI
  • absent upper incisors / MGI
  • absent mandibular coronoid process / MGI
  • absent ultimobranchial body / MGI
  • abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology / MGI
  • abnormal incus morphology / MGI
  • abnormal stapes morphology / MGI
  • abnormal temporal bone morphology / MGI
  • craniofacial phenotype / MGI
  • absent outer ear / MGI
  • abnormal vascular smooth muscle physiology / MGI
  • abnormal endolymphatic duct morphology / MGI
  • dilated endolymphatic duct / MGI
  • decreased tympanic ring size / MGI
  • abnormal pharyngeal pouch morphology / MGI
  • abnormal external auditory canal morphology / MGI
  • increased apoptosis / MGI
  • abnormal fetal atrioventricular canal morphology / MGI
  • abnormal cardiac outflow tract development / MGI
  • absent inner ear / MGI
  • inner ear hypoplasia / MGI
  • abnormal third pharyngeal arch morphology / MGI
  • abnormal fourth pharyngeal arch morphology / MGI
  • small second pharyngeal arch / MGI
  • absent second pharyngeal arch / MGI
  • small pharyngeal arch / MGI
  • abnormal sixth pharyngeal arch morphology / MGI
  • abnormal fourth pharyngeal arch artery morphology / MGI
  • abnormal spatial working memory / MGI
  • abnormal lymphangiogenesis / MGI
  • decreased prepulse inhibition / MGI
  • abnormal arcus anterior morphology / MGI
  • abnormal palatal shelf fusion at midline / MGI
  • palatal shelves fail to meet at midline / MGI
  • cleft secondary palate / MGI
  • abnormal neuron differentiation / MGI
  • malleus hypoplasia / MGI
  • thin malleus neck / MGI
  • ventricular septal defect / MGI
  • perimembraneous ventricular septal defect / MGI
  • abnormal truncus arteriosus septation / MGI
  • aberrant origin of the right subclavian artery / MGI
  • abnormal conotruncus morphology / MGI
  • abnormal conotruncus septation / MGI
  • absent third pharyngeal arch / MGI
  • absent arcus anterior / MGI
  • neonatal lethality, complete penetrance / MGI
  • neonatal lethality, incomplete penetrance / MGI
  • increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response / MGI
  • absent pharyngeal arch arteries / MGI
  • short neck / MGI
  • pharynx stenosis / MGI
  • fourth pharyngeal arch hypoplasia / MGI
  • decreased vocalization / MGI
  • absent facial muscle / MGI
  • abnormal upper incisor morphology / MGI
  • absent sixth pharyngeal arch artery / MGI
  • absent third pharyngeal arch artery / MGI
  • absent fourth pharyngeal arch artery / MGI
  • fourth pharyngeal arch artery hypoplasia / MGI
  • abnormal hypoglossal cord morphology / MGI
  • small thyroid cartilage / MGI
  • small cricoid cartilage / MGI

Literature references

  • Tbx1 has a dual role in the morphogenesis of the cardiac outflow tract.;Xu Huansheng, Morishima Masae, Wylie John N, Schwartz Robert J, Bruneau Benoit G, Lindsay Elizabeth A, Baldini Antonio, ;2004;Development (Cambridge, England);131;3217-27; 15175244
  • Tbx1 regulates population, proliferation and cell fate determination of otic epithelial cells.;Xu Huansheng, Viola Antonella, Zhang Zhen, Gerken Claudia P, Lindsay-Illingworth Elizabeth A, Baldini Antonio, ;2007;Developmental biology;302;670-82; 17074316
  • Timed mutation and cell-fate mapping reveal reiterated roles of Tbx1 during embryogenesis, and a crucial function during segmentation of the pharyngeal system via regulation of endoderm expansion.;Xu Huansheng, Cerrato Fabiana, Baldini Antonio, ;2005;Development (Cambridge, England);132;4387-95; 16141220
  • Mesodermal expression of Tbx1 is necessary and sufficient for pharyngeal arch and cardiac outflow tract development.;Zhang Zhen, Huynh Tuong, Baldini Antonio, ;2006;Development (Cambridge, England);133;3587-95; 16914493
  • Tbx1 expression in pharyngeal epithelia is necessary for pharyngeal arch artery development.;Zhang Zhen, Cerrato Fabiana, Xu Huansheng, Vitelli Francesca, Morishima Masae, Vincentz Joshua, Furuta Yasuhide, Ma Lijiang, Martin James F, Baldini Antonio, Lindsay Elizabeth, ;2005;Development (Cambridge, England);132;5307-15; 16284121
  • A phenotypic rescue approach identifies lineage regionalization defects in a mouse model of DiGeorge syndrome.;Lania Gabriella, Franzese Monica, Adachi Noritaka, Bilio Marchesa, Flore Gemma, Russo Annalaura, D'Agostino Erika, Angelini Claudia, Kelly Robert G, Baldini Antonio, ;2022;Disease models & mechanisms;15;; 35946435
  • Pax9 is required for cardiovascular development and interacts with Tbx1 in the pharyngeal endoderm to control 4th pharyngeal arch artery morphogenesis.;Phillips Helen M, Stothard Catherine A, Shaikh Qureshi Wasay M, Kousa Anastasia I, Briones-Leon J Alberto, Khasawneh Ramada R, O'Loughlin Chloe, Sanders Rachel, Mazzotta Silvia, Dodds Rebecca, Seidel Kerstin, Bates Timothy, Nakatomi Mitsushiro, Cockell Simon J, Schneider Jürgen E, Mohun Timothy J, Maehr René, Kist Ralf, Peters Heiko, Bamforth Simon D, ;2019;Development (Cambridge, England);146;; 31444215

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Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Frozen sperm. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

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Practical information

Genotyping protocol

Example health report
(Current health report will be provided later)

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Distribution of this strain is subject to a provider MTA. Both signing of the MTA and submission of the online EMMA Mutant Request Form are required before material can be shipped.

EMMA conditions
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INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).