

Available to order

International strain nameB6Rcc.Cg-Ptprca/Cnrm
Alternative nameC57 BL/6RCC Ly5.1
Strain typeSpontaneous
Allele/Transgene symbolPtprca
Gene/Transgene symbolPtprc

Information from provider

ProviderUrsula Günthert
Provider affiliationInstitut für Pathologie, University of Basel
Genetic informationPtprca (or CD45.1 or Ly5.1): spontaneous mutation in the Ptprc gene, distinguishing it from CD45.2 congenic strains.
Phenotypic informationPtprca (or CD45.1 or Ly5.1): used as congenic marker for transplant studies. Used in combination with B6 Cd44v10-/- Ly5.2; B6 Cd44v10-/- Ly5.1; B6 Cd44WT Ly5.2.
Breeding history10 generations backcrossed onto C57BL/6Rcc; currently bred as C57BL/6Rcc Ly5.1
  • Abrogation of experimental colitis correlates with increased apoptosis in mice deficient for CD44 variant exon 7 (CD44v7).;Wittig B M, Johansson B, Zöller M, Schwärzler C, Günthert U, ;2000;The Journal of experimental medicine;191;2053-64; 10859330
  • Genetic nomenclature for loci controlling surface antigens of mouse hemopoietic cells.;Morse H C, ;1992;Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);149;3129-34; 1431091

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreCNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy

Disease and phenotype information

Orphanet associated rare diseases, based on orthologous gene matching

MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
  • abnormal long bone metaphysis morphology / MGI
  • abnormal leukocyte cell number / MGI
  • increased neutrophil cell number / MGI
  • decreased leukocyte cell number / MGI
  • extramedullary hematopoiesis / MGI
  • abnormal erythropoiesis / MGI
  • enlarged spleen / MGI
  • spleen hyperplasia / MGI
  • enlarged lymph nodes / MGI
  • decreased thymocyte number / MGI
  • abnormal immune system cell morphology / MGI
  • abnormal myelination / MGI
  • abnormal oligodendrocyte morphology / MGI
  • abnormal osteoclast physiology / MGI
  • abnormal digestion / MGI
  • abnormal immune system physiology / MGI
  • abnormal humoral immune response / MGI
  • thymus hypoplasia / MGI
  • arrested T cell differentiation / MGI
  • abnormal T cell activation / MGI
  • liver inflammation / MGI
  • lung inflammation / MGI
  • premature death / MGI
  • abnormal T cell differentiation / MGI
  • no abnormal phenotype detected / MGI
  • abnormal bone marrow cell morphology/development / MGI
  • abnormal lymphopoiesis / MGI
  • abnormal double-positive T cell morphology / MGI
  • increased susceptibility to viral infection / MGI
  • abnormal T cell physiology / MGI
  • abnormal B cell number / MGI
  • increased IgA level / MGI
  • abnormal immune system organ morphology / MGI
  • glomerulonephritis / MGI
  • increased urine protein level / MGI
  • abnormal cytokine secretion / MGI
  • no phenotypic analysis / MGI
  • kidney failure / MGI
  • oliguria / MGI
  • abnormal thymocyte activation / MGI
  • abnormal T cell subpopulation ratio / MGI
  • increased anti-double stranded DNA antibody level / MGI
  • abnormal T cell selection / MGI
  • abnormal positive T cell selection / MGI
  • increased B-1 B cell number / MGI
  • abnormal osteoclast morphology / MGI
  • increased B cell number / MGI
  • increased T cell number / MGI
  • decreased B cell number / MGI
  • decreased T cell number / MGI
  • abnormal response to infection / MGI
  • diarrhea / MGI
  • decreased cytotoxic T cell cytolysis / MGI
  • increased double-negative T cell number / MGI
  • decreased double-positive T cell number / MGI
  • decreased B cell proliferation / MGI
  • decreased T cell proliferation / MGI
  • increased susceptibility to autoimmune disorder / MGI
  • immune system phenotype / MGI
  • hematopoietic system phenotype / MGI
  • decreased susceptibility to type I hypersensitivity reaction / MGI
  • CNS inflammation / MGI
  • increased T cell apoptosis / MGI
  • abnormal T cell morphology / MGI
  • increased NK cell number / MGI
  • abnormal memory T cell number / MGI
  • increased memory T cell number / MGI
  • decreased memory T cell number / MGI
  • absent T cells / MGI
  • decreased CD4-positive, alpha beta T cell number / MGI
  • abnormal CD4-positive T cell differentiation / MGI
  • decreased CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell number / MGI
  • abnormal CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation / MGI
  • increased single-positive T cell number / MGI
  • decreased single-positive T cell number / MGI
  • increased plasma cell number / MGI
  • lymph node hyperplasia / MGI
  • abnormal granulocyte differentiation / MGI
  • increased dendritic cell number / MGI
  • decreased B-1a cell number / MGI
  • increased B-1b cell number / MGI
  • decreased B-1b cell number / MGI
  • decreased follicular B cell number / MGI
  • increased transitional stage B cell number / MGI
  • abnormal follicular B cell physiology / MGI
  • decreased B-2 B cell number / MGI
  • decreased mature B cell number / MGI
  • abnormal B cell activation / MGI
  • abnormal leukocyte morphology / MGI
  • decreased gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell number / MGI
  • abnormal CD4-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell morphology / MGI
  • increased spleen red pulp amount / MGI
  • increased spleen white pulp amount / MGI
  • increased IgG2a level / MGI
  • increased plasmacytoid dendritic cell number / MGI
  • abnormal chemokine secretion / MGI
  • decreased memory B cell number / MGI
  • decreased mast cell degranulation / MGI
  • abnormal intraepithelial T cell morphology / MGI
  • abnormal intraepithelial T cell number / MGI
  • decreased oligodendrocyte number / MGI
  • increased DN3 thymocyte number / MGI
  • decreased DN4 thymocyte number / MGI
  • abnormal NK cell physiology / MGI
  • mortality/aging / MGI
  • decreased CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell number / MGI
  • decreased CD8-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell number / MGI
  • lethality at weaning, incomplete penetrance / MGI
  • increased alpha-beta T cell number / MGI
  • decreased CD8-positive, naive alpha-beta T cell number / MGI

Literature references

  • Abrogation of experimental colitis correlates with increased apoptosis in mice deficient for CD44 variant exon 7 (CD44v7).;Wittig B M, Johansson B, Zöller M, Schwärzler C, Günthert U, ;2000;The Journal of experimental medicine;191;2053-64; 10859330
  • Genetic nomenclature for loci controlling surface antigens of mouse hemopoietic cells.;Morse H C, ;1992;Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);149;3129-34; 1431091
  • The Transcription Factor MAZR/PATZ1 Regulates the Development of FOXP3+ Regulatory T Cells.;Andersen Liisa, Gülich Alexandra Franziska, Alteneder Marlis, Preglej Teresa, Orola Maria Jonah, Dhele Narendra, Stolz Valentina, Schebesta Alexandra, Hamminger Patricia, Hladik Anastasiya, Floess Stefan, Krausgruber Thomas, Faux Thomas, Andrabi Syed Bilal Ahmad, Huehn Jochen, Knapp Sylvia, Sparwasser Tim, Bock Christoph, Laiho Asta, Elo Laura L, Rasool Omid, Lahesmaa Riitta, Sakaguchi Shinya, Ellmeier Wilfried, ;2019;Cell reports;29;4447-4459.e6; 31875552
  • Histone deacetylases 1 and 2 restrain CD4+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte differentiation.;Preglej Teresa, Hamminger Patricia, Luu Maik, Bulat Tanja, Andersen Liisa, Göschl Lisa, Stolz Valentina, Rica Ramona, Sandner Lisa, Waltenberger Darina, Tschismarov Roland, Faux Thomas, Boenke Thorina, Laiho Asta, Elo Laura L, Sakaguchi Shinya, Steiner Günter, Decker Thomas, Bohle Barbara, Visekruna Alexander, Bock Christoph, Strobl Birgit, Seiser Christian, Boucheron Nicole, Ellmeier Wilfried, ;2020;JCI insight;5;8048-56; 32102981
  • Essential roles for the Tec family kinases Tec and Btk in M-CSF receptor signaling pathways that regulate macrophage survival.;Melcher Martin, Unger Bernd, Schmidt Uwe, Rajantie Iiro A, Alitalo Kari, Ellmeier Wilfried, ;2008;Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950);180;; 18523268

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Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

More details on pricing and delivery times

Practical information

Example health report
(Current health report will be provided later)

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
For this strain no provider MTA is needed. Distribution is based on the EMMA conditions only.

EMMA conditions
Legally binding conditions for the transfer

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INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).