Sprague Dawley rat Clcn4em2(A549V)Ics
Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:15194 |
International strain name | Sprague Dawley rat Clcn4em2(A549V)Ics |
Alternative name | Sprague Dawley rat Clcn4em2(A549V)Ics |
Strain type | Endonuclease-mediated |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Clcn4em2(A549V)Ics |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Clcn4 |
Information from provider
Provider | Cure CLCN4 |
Provider affiliation | Cure CLCN4 |
Genetic information | The A549V mutation (GCT>GTT; corresponding to the human A555V mutation) was introduced in rat Clcn4 gene using a CRISPR/Cas9 approach. The ribonucleoprotein complex composed by a guide TGGTAACAGCAGCTGCCATC and the Cas9 protein was co-electroporated with a single stranded donor DNA (gtgtctctggtagtcatcatgtttgaactgactggaggtctggaatatattgtaccgctcatggcagttgctgttaccagcaagtgggtggctgatgcctttgggaaagaagggatttatgaagc) baring the A549V mutation and 2 additional silent mutations, one of them mutating the PAM sequence and both leading to a new BsrBI diagnostic restriction site. Pups were genotyped with the following primers: gggataaaattatgatctgtaagct and gagtctccacatcctccacagtcat. In the presence of the mutation, this 390 bps PCR fragment will be digested in 2 fragments of 170 and 220 bps by BsrBI |
Phenotypic information | Homozygous:Not doneHeterozygous:Smaller animals, especially hemizygous males. Dental malocclusion and locomotor problem found in a male |
Breeding history | The line was kept on a Sprague Dawley genetic background |
References | None available |
Homozygous fertile | not known |
Homozygous viable | not known |
Homozygous matings required | no |
Immunocompromised | not known |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | ICS, Institut Clinique de la Souris, Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France |
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