Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:01370 |
International strain name | C.Cg-Tg(mIGHMdeltaV)1Corc/Cnrm |
Alternative name | delta-V mu m 1 |
Strain type | Transgenic Strains |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Tg(mIGHMdeltaV)1Corc |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Tg(mIGHMdeltaV)1Corc |
Information from provider
Provider | Daniel Corcos |
Provider affiliation | ER70 CNRS et Unite 125 Inserm |
Genetic information | The delta-V mu m construct encodes a human immunoglobulin mu heavy chain with a total deletion of the VDJ exon and an additional mutation, preventing IgM secretion. |
Phenotypic information | Expression of the delta-V mu construct in conventional B cells leads to a quasi-total allelic exclusion of endogenous immunoglobulin genes. As a consequence, B cells express a truncated B cell receptor, devoid of the antigen binding domain. |
Breeding history | Backcrossed to BALB/c for at least 12 generations. Currently bred as homozygous. |
References |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | CNR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Monterotondo, Italy |
Literature references
- Allelic exclusion in transgenic mice expressing a heavy chain disease-like human mu protein.;Corcos D, Iglesias A, Dunda O, Bucchini D, Jami J, ;1991;European journal of immunology;21;2711-6; 1936120
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