- abnormal humoral immune response / MGI
Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:00125 |
International strain name | MP1.BP1-Im2Bioz:BP1/DnmOrl |
Alternative name | LcH4 |
Strain type | Other |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Im2Bioz:BP1 |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Im2 |
Information from provider
Provider | D Mouton |
Provider affiliation | Institut Curie |
Phenotypic information | The H (high antibody-responder) progenitors of F1 hybrids were derived from the H subline made coisogenic for the L (low antibody-responder) line H-2 haplotype by 12 consecutive backcrosses. Four consecutive backcrosses towards the L line and one intercross yielded LcH4 population. Mice were individually tested for immune phenotype: antibody titres against SRBC (sheep red blood cells), at different times after optimal (5.108 SRBC/mouse) immunization. The LcH (low congenic to high) 4 strain has the chromosomal region flanked by two microsatellites D4Mit31 and D4Mit40 (at 44 and 54 cM from centromere, respectively) that are linked with Ab (quantitative antibody) responsiveness. |
References |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | Institut de Transgenose, INTRAGENE, Orléans, France |
Disease and phenotype information
MGI phenotypes (allele matching)
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
- abnormal humoral immune response / MGI
Literature references
- Toward genetic dissection of high and low antibody responsiveness in Biozzi mice.;Puel A, Mevel J C, Bouthillier Y, Feingold N, Fridman W H, Mouton D, ;1996;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;93;14742-6; 8962125
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