

Available to order

International strain nameB6.129P2(CD1)-Boctm1Aok/Cnbc
Alternative nameBoc-
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains : Knock-out
Allele/Transgene symbolBoctm1Aok
Gene/Transgene symbolBoc

Information from provider

ProviderAmi Okada
Provider affiliationDepartment of Biological Sciences, Stanford University
Genetic informationHomologous recombination was used to insert a gene trap vector encoding a strong splice acceptor site, transmembrane domain and beta-geo followed by an IRES-PLAP upstream of the exon encoding the transmembrane domain. The allele proved to be severely hypomorphic.
Phenotypic informationHomozygous:
Nervous system, axonal circuit alterations

Nervous system, axonal circuit alterations
Breeding historyMutation first introduced through E14 (ES Cell) 129P2/OlaHsd, then bred to CD1 and eventually backcrossed to C57BL/6J for more than 10 generations.
  • Boc is a receptor for sonic hedgehog in the guidance of commissural axons.;Okada Ami, Charron Frédéric, Morin Steves, Shin David S, Wong Karen, Fabre Pierre J, Tessier-Lavigne Marc, McConnell Susan K, ;2006;Nature;444;369-73; 17086203
  • Secreted frizzled related proteins modulate pathfinding and fasciculation of mouse retina ganglion cell axons by direct and indirect mechanisms.;Marcos Séverine, Nieto-Lopez Francisco, Sandonìs Africa, Cardozo Marcos Julian, Di Marco Fabiana, Esteve Pilar, Bovolenta Paola, ;2015;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;35;4729-40; 25788689
  • Segregation of ipsilateral retinal ganglion cell axons at the optic chiasm requires the Shh receptor Boc.;Fabre Pierre J, Shimogori Tomomi, Charron Frédéric, ;2010;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;30;266-75; 20053908
  • Sonic hedgehog expression in corticofugal projection neurons directs cortical microcircuit formation.;Harwell Corey C, Parker Philip R L, Gee Steven M, Okada Ami, McConnell Susan K, Kreitzer Anatol C, Kriegstein Arnold R, ;2012;Neuron;73;1116-26; 22445340
  • Shh/Boc signaling is required for sustained generation of ipsilateral projecting ganglion cells in the mouse retina.;Sánchez-Arrones Luisa, Nieto-Lopez Francisco, Sánchez-Camacho Cristina, Carreres M Isabel, Herrera Eloisa, Okada Ami, Bovolenta Paola, ;2013;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;33;8596-607; 23678105
  • Boc modifies the spectrum of holoprosencephaly in the absence of Gas1 function.;Seppala Maisa, Xavier Guilherme M, Fan Chen-Ming, Cobourne Martyn T, ;2014;Biology open;3;728-40; 25063195
  • Gas1 is a receptor for sonic hedgehog to repel enteric axons.;Jin Shiying, Martinelli David C, Zheng Xiaobin, Tessier-Lavigne Marc, Fan Chen-Ming, ;2015;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;112;E73-80; 25535338
  • Sonic Hedgehog Is a Remotely Produced Cue that Controls Axon Guidance Trans-axonally at a Midline Choice Point.;Peng Jimmy, Fabre Pierre J, Dolique Tiphaine, Swikert Shannon M, Kermasson Laëtitia, Shimogori Tomomi, Charron Frédéric, ;2018;Neuron;97;326-340.e4; 29346753
Homozygous fertileyes
Homozygous viableyes
Homozygous matings requiredno

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreCNB-CSIC, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, Madrid, Spain
Animals used for archivinghomozygous C57BL/6J, wild-type C57BL/6J
Stage of embryos2-cell

Disease and phenotype information

IMPC phenotypes (gene matching)
  • increased startle reflex / IMPC
  • decreased circulating total protein level / IMPC
  • increased circulating triglyceride level / IMPC
  • decreased circulating serum albumin level / IMPC
  • increased basophil cell number / IMPC
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
  • no abnormal phenotype detected / MGI
  • abnormal innervation / MGI
  • nervous system phenotype / MGI

Literature references

  • Boc is a receptor for sonic hedgehog in the guidance of commissural axons.;Okada Ami, Charron Frédéric, Morin Steves, Shin David S, Wong Karen, Fabre Pierre J, Tessier-Lavigne Marc, McConnell Susan K, ;2006;Nature;444;369-73; 17086203
  • Secreted frizzled related proteins modulate pathfinding and fasciculation of mouse retina ganglion cell axons by direct and indirect mechanisms.;Marcos Séverine, Nieto-Lopez Francisco, Sandonìs Africa, Cardozo Marcos Julian, Di Marco Fabiana, Esteve Pilar, Bovolenta Paola, ;2015;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;35;4729-40; 25788689
  • Segregation of ipsilateral retinal ganglion cell axons at the optic chiasm requires the Shh receptor Boc.;Fabre Pierre J, Shimogori Tomomi, Charron Frédéric, ;2010;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;30;266-75; 20053908
  • Sonic hedgehog expression in corticofugal projection neurons directs cortical microcircuit formation.;Harwell Corey C, Parker Philip R L, Gee Steven M, Okada Ami, McConnell Susan K, Kreitzer Anatol C, Kriegstein Arnold R, ;2012;Neuron;73;1116-26; 22445340
  • Shh/Boc signaling is required for sustained generation of ipsilateral projecting ganglion cells in the mouse retina.;Sánchez-Arrones Luisa, Nieto-Lopez Francisco, Sánchez-Camacho Cristina, Carreres M Isabel, Herrera Eloisa, Okada Ami, Bovolenta Paola, ;2013;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;33;8596-607; 23678105
  • Boc modifies the spectrum of holoprosencephaly in the absence of Gas1 function.;Seppala Maisa, Xavier Guilherme M, Fan Chen-Ming, Cobourne Martyn T, ;2014;Biology open;3;728-40; 25063195
  • Gas1 is a receptor for sonic hedgehog to repel enteric axons.;Jin Shiying, Martinelli David C, Zheng Xiaobin, Tessier-Lavigne Marc, Fan Chen-Ming, ;2015;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;112;E73-80; 25535338
  • Sonic Hedgehog Is a Remotely Produced Cue that Controls Axon Guidance Trans-axonally at a Midline Choice Point.;Peng Jimmy, Fabre Pierre J, Dolique Tiphaine, Swikert Shannon M, Kermasson Laëtitia, Shimogori Tomomi, Charron Frédéric, ;2018;Neuron;97;326-340.e4; 29346753

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Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Frozen sperm. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

More details on pricing and delivery times

Practical information

Genotyping protocol

Example health report
(Current health report will be provided later)

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
For this strain no provider MTA is needed. Distribution is based on the EMMA conditions only.

EMMA conditions
Legally binding conditions for the transfer

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INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).