- absent mandible / MGI
- decreased hematocrit / MGI
- increased cell proliferation / MGI
- abnormal digestive system morphology / MGI
- gastrointestinal hemorrhage / MGI
- abnormal foregut morphology / MGI
- abnormal crypts of Lieberkuhn morphology / MGI
- rectal prolapse / MGI
- abnormal intestinal mucosa morphology / MGI
- abnormal mammary gland development / MGI
- mammary gland hyperplasia / MGI
- abnormal brain development / MGI
- abnormal floor plate morphology / MGI
- abnormal ovarian folliculogenesis / MGI
- abnormal ovarian follicle morphology / MGI
- absent mature ovarian follicles / MGI
- absent corpus luteum / MGI
- abnormal vagina epithelium morphology / MGI
- dermal cysts / MGI
- decreased body weight / MGI
- decreased body size / MGI
- increased metastatic potential / MGI
- abnormal nursing / MGI
- hunched posture / MGI
- hyperlipidemia / MGI
- increased circulating triglyceride level / MGI
- increased circulating free fatty acid level / MGI
- anemia / MGI
- extended life span / MGI
- abnormal embryo development / MGI
- abnormal embryo size / MGI
- decreased embryo size / MGI
- incomplete embryo turning / MGI
- postnatal growth retardation / MGI
- increased mammary adenocarcinoma incidence / MGI
- neoplasm / MGI
- increased pilomatricoma incidence / MGI
- increased tumor incidence / MGI
- increased incidence of induced tumors / MGI
- increased colon adenoma incidence / MGI
- premature death / MGI
- abnormal developmental patterning / MGI
- abnormal embryonic tissue morphology / MGI
- abnormal neural tube morphology / MGI
- no abnormal phenotype detected / MGI
- increased intestinal adenoma incidence / MGI
- hepatic steatosis / MGI
- increased trichoepithelioma incidence / MGI
- increased intestinal adenocarcinoma incidence / MGI
- no phenotypic analysis / MGI
- abnormal egg cylinder morphology / MGI
- acrania / MGI
- colon polyps / MGI
- intestinal obstruction / MGI
- melena / MGI
- rectal hemorrhage / MGI
- gastric polyps / MGI
- increased hepatocellular carcinoma incidence / MGI
- epidermal cyst / MGI
- decreased tumor growth/size / MGI
- abnormal tumor morphology / MGI
- abnormal intestinal goblet cell morphology / MGI
- increased tumor growth/size / MGI
- increased osteosarcoma incidence / MGI
- decreased macrophage cell number / MGI
- abnormal embryonic epiblast morphology / MGI
- aneuploidy / MGI
- abnormal primitive node morphology / MGI
- cardia bifida / MGI
- increased incidence of tumors by chemical induction / MGI
- split notochord / MGI
- ovary atrophy / MGI
- abnormal large intestine crypts of Lieberkuhn morphology / MGI
- uterus atrophy / MGI
- decreased T cell number / MGI
- increased circulating cholesterol level / MGI
- cellular phenotype / MGI
- reproductive system phenotype / MGI
- abnormal cell physiology / MGI
- increased apoptosis / MGI
- abnormal hindbrain development / MGI
- absent male preputial gland / MGI
- intestine polyps / MGI
- increased liver tumor incidence / MGI
- decreased NK cell number / MGI
- abnormal anterior visceral endoderm morphology / MGI
- embryonic lethality / MGI
- abnormal enterocyte proliferation / MGI
- adrenal gland hyperplasia / MGI
- abnormal mesendoderm development / MGI
- increased small intestine adenocarcinoma incidence / MGI
- increased large intestine adenocarcinoma incidence / MGI
- decreased splenocyte number / MGI
- abnormal pregnancy / MGI
- absent nipple / MGI
- increased prostaglandin level / MGI
- embryonic lethality between implantation and placentation / MGI
- increased gastrointestinal tumor incidence / MGI
- increased mammary gland tumor incidence / MGI
- increased skin tumor incidence / MGI
- increased stomach tumor incidence / MGI
- increased osteoma incidence / MGI
- increased desmoid tumor incidence / MGI
- gastrointestinal tract polyps / MGI
- increased adenoma incidence / MGI
- altered tumor pathology / MGI
- mortality/aging / MGI
- postnatal lethality, complete penetrance / MGI
- postnatal lethality, incomplete penetrance / MGI
- perinatal lethality, complete penetrance / MGI
- prenatal lethality, complete penetrance / MGI
- embryonic lethality, complete penetrance / MGI
- embryonic lethality during organogenesis, complete penetrance / MGI
- embryonic lethality between implantation and somite formation, incomplete penetrance / MGI
- lethality throughout fetal growth and development, incomplete penetrance / MGI
- absent midbrain / MGI
- embryonic-extraembryonic boundary constriction / MGI
- absent forebrain / MGI
- rostral-caudal axis duplication / MGI
- rostral body truncation / MGI
- absent neural folds / MGI
- abnormal head development / MGI
- decreased intestinal adenoma incidence / MGI
- abnormal endocardial heart tube morphology / MGI
STOCK Apctm2.1Cip/Orl
Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:05566 |
Citation information | RRID:IMSR_EM:05566 Research Resource Identifiers (RRID) are persistent unique ID numbers assigned to help researchers cite key resources (e.g. antibodies, model organisms and software projects) in the biomedical literature to improve transparency and reproducibility in research. See https://www.rrids.org/ for more information. |
International strain name | STOCK Apctm2.1Cip/Orl |
Alternative name | Apc-lox-exon14 |
Strain type | Targeted Mutant Strains : Conditional mutation |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Apctm2.1Cip |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Apc |
Information from provider
Provider | Sabine Colnot |
Provider affiliation | INSERM |
Additional owner | Dr M. Giovannini, Center for Neural Tumor Research, House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, CA, USA |
Genetic information | Targeting construct is derived from 129 DNA. The loxP sites are located in the 13rd and in the 14th intron, and there is no selection cassette remaining in the floxed allele; cre-mediated recombination between the loxP sites will excise the 14th exon (Apc-delta14 allele) generating a stop codon at AA579. |
Phenotypic information | After cre-mediated recombination, Apc protein loses its domain required for beta-catenin degradation. Consequently, it activates a sustained beta-catenin signaling. |
Breeding history | 4 backcrosses to C57BL/6 background and cryopreserved after the first homozygous mating. |
References |
Homozygous fertile | yes |
Homozygous viable | yes |
Homozygous matings required | no |
Immunocompromised | no |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | Institut de Transgenose, INTRAGENE, Orléans, France |
Animals used for archiving | heterozygous C57BL/6J males, wild-type C57BL/6J females |
Disease and phenotype information
MGI allele-associated human disease models
Orphanet associated rare diseases, based on orthologous gene matching
- Desmoid tumor / Orphanet_873
- Cenani-Lenz syndrome / Orphanet_3258
- Turcot syndrome with polyposis / Orphanet_99818
- Gastric adenocarcinoma and proximal polyposis of the stomach / Orphanet_314022
- Gardner syndrome / Orphanet_79665
- APC-related attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis / Orphanet_247806
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
Literature references
- Cre-mediated germline mosaicism: a new transgenic mouse for the selective removal of residual markers from tri-lox conditional alleles.;Leneuve Patricia, Colnot Sabine, Hamard Ghislaine, Francis Fiona, Niwa-Kawakita Michiko, Giovannini Marco, Holzenberger Martin, ;2003;Nucleic acids research;31;e21; 12595570
- Colorectal cancers in a new mouse model of familial adenomatous polyposis: influence of genetic and environmental modifiers.;Colnot Sabine, Niwa-Kawakita Michiko, Hamard Ghislaine, Godard Cécile, Le Plenier Servane, Houbron Christophe, Romagnolo Béatrice, Berrebi Dominique, Giovannini Marco, Perret Christine, ;2004;Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology;84;1619-30; 15502862
- Liver-targeted disruption of Apc in mice activates beta-catenin signaling and leads to hepatocellular carcinomas.;Colnot S, Decaens T, Niwa-Kawakita M, Godard C, Hamard G, Kahn A, Giovannini M, Perret C, ;2004;Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America;101;17216-21; 15563600
- Crypt-restricted proliferation and commitment to the Paneth cell lineage following Apc loss in the mouse intestine.;Andreu Pauline, Colnot Sabine, Godard Cécile, Gad Sophie, Chafey Philippe, Niwa-Kawakita Michiko, Laurent-Puig Pierre, Kahn Axel, Robine Sylvie, Perret Christine, Romagnolo Béatrice, ;2005;Development (Cambridge, England);132;1443-51; 15716339
- Apc tumor suppressor gene is the "zonation-keeper" of mouse liver.;Benhamouche Samira, Decaens Thomas, Godard Cécile, Chambrey Régine, Rickman David S, Moinard Christophe, Vasseur-Cognet Mireille, Kuo Calvin J, Kahn Axel, Perret Christine, Colnot Sabine, ;2006;Developmental cell;10;759-70; 16740478
- Stabilization of beta-catenin affects mouse embryonic liver growth and hepatoblast fate.;Decaens Thomas, Godard Cécile, de Reyniès Aurélien, Rickman David S, Tronche François, Couty Jean-Pierre, Perret Christine, Colnot Sabine, ;2008;Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.);47;247-58; 18038450
- ARID1A loss in adult hepatocytes activates β-catenin-mediated erythropoietin transcription.;Riou Rozenn, Ladli Meriem, Gerbal-Chaloin Sabine, Bossard Pascale, Gougelet Angélique, Godard Cécile, Loesch Robin, Lagoutte Isabelle, Lager Franck, Calderaro Julien, Dos Santos Alexandre, Wang Zhong, Verdier Frédérique, Colnot Sabine, ;2020;eLife;9;; 33084574
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