Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:01713 |
Citation information | RRID:IMSR_EM:01713 Research Resource Identifiers (RRID) are persistent unique ID numbers assigned to help researchers cite key resources (e.g. antibodies, model organisms and software projects) in the biomedical literature to improve transparency and reproducibility in research. See https://www.rrids.org/ for more information. |
International strain name | B6;D2-Tg(Ttr-cre/Esr1*)1Vco/Orl |
Alternative name | TTR-Cre ind |
Strain type | Transgenic Strains |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Tg(Ttr-cre/Esr1*)1Vco |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Tg(Ttr-cre/Esr1*)1Vco |
Information from provider
Provider | Mireille Vasseur-Cognet |
Provider affiliation | Institut Cochin, INSERM U567, Faculté de Cochin, GDPM |
Genetic information | Gene fusion of the cre recombinase and mouse estrogen receptor hormone-binding domain coding sequences, under the control of a mouse transthyretin promoter. |
Phenotypic information | No defects. |
Breeding history | Transgenic mice have always been bred as heterozygotes with wild-type mice. |
References |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | Institut de Transgenose, INTRAGENE, Orléans, France |
Animals used for archiving | heterozygous C57BL/6J males, wild-type C57BL/6J females |
Breeding at archiving centre | Males are transgenic: some of them are perhaps homozygous but they can be discriminated by PCR. |
Literature references
- A tamoxifen-inducible chimeric Cre recombinase specifically effective in the fetal and adult mouse liver.;Tannour-Louet Mounia, Porteu Arlette, Vaulont Sophie, Kahn Axel, Vasseur-Cognet Mireille, ;2002;Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.);35;1072-81; 11981757
- Loss of the anaphase-promoting complex in quiescent cells causes unscheduled hepatocyte proliferation.;Wirth Karin G, Ricci Romeo, Giménez-Abián Juan F, Taghybeeglu Shahryar, Kudo Nobuaki R, Jochum Wolfram, Vasseur-Cognet Mireille, Nasmyth Kim, ;2004;Genes & development;18;88-98; 14724179
- ARID1A loss in adult hepatocytes activates β-catenin-mediated erythropoietin transcription.;Riou Rozenn, Ladli Meriem, Gerbal-Chaloin Sabine, Bossard Pascale, Gougelet Angélique, Godard Cécile, Loesch Robin, Lagoutte Isabelle, Lager Franck, Calderaro Julien, Dos Santos Alexandre, Wang Zhong, Verdier Frédérique, Colnot Sabine, ;2020;eLife;9;; 33084574
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