INFRAFRONTIER ERIC was established in December 2023 by the European Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2023/2865. It serves as the Coordination Office of the INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure and is based in Munich, Germany, on the premises of Helmholtz Munich. Before the ERIC was established, the INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure was coordinated by the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH.
INFRAFRONTIER ERIC currently has six Members: Germany as the host country, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Greece, and Sweden. The ERIC team coordinates and supports the activities of the INFRAFRONTIER partners (INFRAFRONTIER National Nodes and Service Providers), which are distributed across 13 European countries.
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INFRAFRONTIER ERIC provides central scientific user support and manages the web and access portal, including the underlying IT infrastructure, for all INFRAFRONTIER resources and services. It acts as the primary contact point for national and international stakeholders and coordinates communication and outreach activities. Additionally, it fosters the development of new technologies, as well as operational and quality standards (including animal welfare). INFRAFRONTIER ERIC also leads and participates in EC-funded projects in collaboration with INFRAFRONTIER partners and other European and international research infrastructures.
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