The Phenomin Summer School is not only inspiring by its scientific content and the quality of the teachers. It is also taking place in an exceptionally pretty surrounding. The Château de Liebfrauenberg, situated in beautiful Alsace north-west of Strasbourg, is a very special place: Overlooking the Rhine Valley, the old castle makes a great location for highly concentrated training sessions in a relaxed atmosphere with a taste of `savoir vivre´.
Phenomin invites biomedical researchers from all over Europe to its Advanced School for Mouse Phenogenomics, 20 – 24 May 2019
It´s a unique training event for of all kinds of biomedial scientists working with mouse models – held in a fascinating location: The bi-annually organized European Advanced School for Mouse Phenogenomics, taking place on 20 to 24 May 2019 near Strasbourg, offers an overview of up-to-date methods and good practices for the use of mouse models in scientific research that cannot be found anywhere else in Europe.

In a carefully developed 4-days program, the thematic school offers courses and discussions which promise to accelerate shared conceptual scientific advances and to transfer innovative methods and techniques in the use of mice in biomedical research. The summer school, offered by the French INFRAFRONTIER member Phénomin, describes the state-of-the-art in mouse functional genomics on a variety of fields, organized around 5 topics: mouse genetics, mutagenesis, mouse colony management, mouse clinical phenotyping, and data management (statistical approaches).
The teachers who share their knowledge with the participating PhDs, Postdocs, researchers and clinicians from academia as well as industry are highly acknowledged experts, coming from the whole European research landscape of mouse phenogenomics. Through its INFRARONTIER partnership, the school involves the complete scientific infrastructure from France and the rest of Europe.

for the last of the 40 participants is open until 28 March 2019: