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As part of the Mary Lyon Centre’s second GEMM call in 2017, a custom mouse line was generated to support research into the role of a poison exon, the ultra-conserved exon in the splicing regulator gene Tra2b, essential for male fertility.
Our partners Lydia Teboul and Guillaume Pavlovic are the corresponding authors of the Laboratory Animal Genetic Reporting (LAG-R) framework. Don’t miss their Lab Animal interview, where they discuss its benefits, motivations, and how to accelerate adoption of the recommendations that it presents.
The INFRAPLUS’s kick-off took place over two productive days in Munich. With lively discussions and concrete plans, we have set the stage for INFRAFRONTIER’s expansion in state-of-the-art in vivo models, innovative in vitro models, preclinical services, and data analysis. All set to get started!
Our partners at MRC Harwell and ICS have published the Laboratory Animal Genetic Reporting framework to improve the genetic reporting and validation of laboratory animal models, thereby reinforcing the reliability of animal experiments. This publication is a collaboration with the INFRAFRONTIER Consortium and other colleagues.
Under the canSERV Open Call, researchers are invited to apply for a portfolio of services covering the entire oncology developmental pipeline, with the participation of 9 INFRAFRONTIER partners providing in vivo services. Deadline: 4 January 2023
A new publication of INFRAFRONTIER in Mammalian Genome is available on line now. Get an overview of the latest INFRAFRONTIER advancements, including services, resources, and technical developments.
The ESHG brought together the most innovative research projects in human genetics. Thanks to representatives from the Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell, INFRAFRONTIER had the opportunity to inform researchers of their expansive service portfolio.
A useful resource for institutions that receive laboratory animals from colleagues or third parties to ensure that a tried and tested system of quality control is in place.
Using genetically sterile Prm1 males is a recognised alternative to surgical vasectomy when generating pseudopregnant females for embryo transfer programmes.
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium has announced the election of a new Senior Leadership Team (SLT): Radislav Sedlácek is the new Chairman of IMPC, and Yann Herault the new Vice-Chair. Steve Brown, who was the Chair for many years, has stepped down to become the Past Chair. All three of them are long-term members of IMPC as well as INFRAFRONTIER.
KOMP program director Colin Fletcher and his colleague Oleg Mirochnitchenko from NIH, former RIKEN BRC director Yuichi Obata, Ann Flenniken from TCP and Luis Santos from MRC Harwell are the winners of this year´s IMPC Awards.
Each year in autumn, the Steering Committee of the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) honours several members of the consortium with the IMPC Awards of Excellence in three categories:
By funding £20 million into a new National Mouse Genetics Network, the British Medical Research Council (MRC) acknowledges the critical importance of the mouse as an experimental model. The Mary Lyon Centre (MLC) in Harwell will serve as the national facility hub of the new network.
Lydia Teboul from INFRAFRONTIER partner MRC Harwell has been awarded the 3Rs Prize 2020 of the International Society for Transgenic Technologies (ISTT). The prize recognises Lydia’s work in developing a new technique to reduce the number of animals used in research.
17 to 18 November 2020, MRC Harwell Institute, Harwell, UK
This course provides an introduction to basic pathology terminology and how to recognise physiological and pathological changes in mouse tissues sections stained with H&E. It will include an introduction to background pathology in mice, how spontaneous and induced pathology can be distinguished and techniques for recording pathology data. It is aimed at research staff, technical staff, students and medical or veterinary pathology trainees with some experience of evaluating tissue sections using a light microscope.
“The application of artificial intelligence is the next big step to discover new ground in our massive biomedical data sets. We have to make use of this disruptive technology now”, says Prof. Dr. Martin Hrabĕ de Angelis, director at the Helmholtz Center Munich and coordinator of the pan-European project “INFRAFRONTIER”.
From 16th to 18th October 2018 MRC Harwell offers a practical training course in transgenic technology. The course is aimed at newcomers to the transgenic field or those looking to brush up their skills. Participants will have practical hands on experience in a technique that will enable them to generate their own mutant mouse models using CRISPR/CAS9 reagents.
The course is intended to give animal technologists hands-on experience of the murine embryo and spermatozoa freezing techniques routinely used at Harwell. In addition, delegates will gain experience of a simple and robust in vitro fertilization procedure.