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Our partners Lydia Teboul and Guillaume Pavlovic are the corresponding authors of the Laboratory Animal Genetic Reporting (LAG-R) framework. Don’t miss their Lab Animal interview, where they discuss its benefits, motivations, and how to accelerate adoption of the recommendations that it presents.
The INFRAPLUS’s kick-off took place over two productive days in Munich. With lively discussions and concrete plans, we have set the stage for INFRAFRONTIER’s expansion in state-of-the-art in vivo models, innovative in vitro models, preclinical services, and data analysis. All set to get started!
Our partners at MRC Harwell and ICS have published the Laboratory Animal Genetic Reporting framework to improve the genetic reporting and validation of laboratory animal models, thereby reinforcing the reliability of animal experiments. This publication is a collaboration with the INFRAFRONTIER Consortium and other colleagues.
Under the canSERV Open Call, researchers are invited to apply for a portfolio of services covering the entire oncology developmental pipeline, with the participation of 9 INFRAFRONTIER partners providing in vivo services. Deadline: 4 January 2023
A new publication of INFRAFRONTIER in Mammalian Genome is available on line now. Get an overview of the latest INFRAFRONTIER advancements, including services, resources, and technical developments.
The International Conference of Research Infrastructures 2022 (ICRI 2022) will take place from 19-21 October in Brno, Czech Republic.
The 20th anniversary of the ICS (Institut Clinique de la Souris) coincides with the 20th anniversary of the sequencing of the mouse genome!
On 22 February 2021, thirty universities, research organizations and biomedical companies in France signed the “French transparency charter on the use of animals for scientific and regulatory purposes”
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium has announced the election of a new Senior Leadership Team (SLT): Radislav Sedlácek is the new Chairman of IMPC, and Yann Herault the new Vice-Chair. Steve Brown, who was the Chair for many years, has stepped down to become the Past Chair. All three of them are long-term members of IMPC as well as INFRAFRONTIER.
The annual conference of the International Mammalian Genome Society (IMGS) in autumn is a highlight for researchers in functional genomics worldwide. After exciting and scientifically fruitful meetings in Puerto Rico (November 2018) and Heidelberg (October 2017), the IMGS invites its global community to the 33rd edition of the International Mammalian Genome Conference (IMGC) to Strasbourg, France.
It´s a unique training event for of all kinds of biomedial scientists working with mouse models – held in a fascinating location: The bi-annually organized European Advanced School for Mouse Phenogenomics, taking place on 20 to 24 May 2019 near Strasbourg, offers an overview of up-to-date methods and good practices for the use of mouse models in scientific research that cannot be found anywhere else in Europe.
You want to learn more about gene editing and how it really works? You want to hear about current advances on many technical aspects and to optimize the RNA guide design to the genotyping analysis?
In a new Trans-national Access Call INFRAFRONTIER offers open access to its infrastructure and expertise for researchers who need rat mutant models to be generated for their scientific aims. It’s the first time that the European research infrastructure for modeling human diseases via mammalian genomes expands its unique services to generate not only mouse, but rat models for its users.
Partners of the INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure offer unique training opportunities in mouse phenogenomics, genome editing and cryopreservation technologies.
A course on primary phenotyping of mouse embryos will take place at the Institute Clinique de la Souris, November 25-27, 2015.
The course is aimed at providing a theoretical and practical background knowledge destined for researchers and engineers that are willing to acquire primary expertise in mouse development. The topics will cover dissection of post implant embryos, histology, whole mount Lac Z staining and confocal imaging of whole embryos.
On 17-19 March 2015, a training course on primary phenotyping of mouse embryos will take place at Institute Clinique de la Souris, Illkirch, France.
The course is aimed at providing both theoretical and practical background knowledge targeted at researchers and engineers, willing to acquire primary expertise in mouse development. The topics will cover dissection of post implant embryos, histology, whole mount Lac Z staining and confocal imaging of whole embryos.
In a formal act authenticated by a notary in Munich, four founding members acquired shares of the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH: the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) from France, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center ‘Alexander Fleming’ from Greece, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Acedemy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and the University of Oulu in Finland.