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The EOSC-Life consortium publishes an article in the EMBO Journal, outlining effective measures to boost the utilization and sustainability of data resources. The study also presents twelve recommendations for handling research data in alignment with FAIR principles.
A new publication of INFRAFRONTIER in Mammalian Genome is available on line now. Get an overview of the latest INFRAFRONTIER advancements, including services, resources, and technical developments.
“The application of artificial intelligence is the next big step to discover new ground in our massive biomedical data sets. We have to make use of this disruptive technology now”, says Prof. Dr. Martin Hrabĕ de Angelis, director at the Helmholtz Center Munich and coordinator of the pan-European project “INFRAFRONTIER”.
Health Data Research UK will invest £30 million in a newly developed big data approach for health and biomedical informations from all over the country. Starting in April 2018, only six sites in the UK with high-class expertise in the management of health data will be part of the new public venture.