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The INFRAPLUS’s kick-off took place over two productive days in Munich. With lively discussions and concrete plans, we have set the stage for INFRAFRONTIER’s expansion in state-of-the-art in vivo models, innovative in vitro models, preclinical services, and data analysis. All set to get started!
A new publication of INFRAFRONTIER in Mammalian Genome is available on line now. Get an overview of the latest INFRAFRONTIER advancements, including services, resources, and technical developments.
Abstract submission and registration for the “Mesenchymal cells in inflammation immunity and cancer” workshop in Athens-Greece, 19 – 23 May, 2019 is NOW OPEN
In a formal act authenticated by a notary in Munich, four founding members acquired shares of the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH: the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) from France, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center ‘Alexander Fleming’ from Greece, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Acedemy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and the University of Oulu in Finland.