The INFRAFRONTIER bibliography displays all publications which were provided either during a mutant strain submission or enabled by a mutant strain request. The chart at the top shows the amount of publications by publication year. The collection below contains detailed information regarding publications linked to INFRAFRONTIER/EMMA1 strains. The content of the publications was extracted from PubMed2. Additionally, we provide the information to linked EMMA strains, MeSH3 terms and rare diseases extracted from the Orphanet4 database. The table offers several functionalities to sort, filter and download the table. The table can be sorted by publication year, journal impact factor and related rare diseases. Therefore, the impact factor was extracted from Scimago Journal & Country Rank5.

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Publications Year EMMA ID Impact factor Journal Pubmed ID Title Rare diseases RD Code Surname Labo name
INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).