

Available to order

International strain nameB6(Cg)-Mecrtm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi/WtsiCnbcOulu
Alternative nameC57Bl/6 Mecrtm1c
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains : Conditional mutation
Allele/Transgene symbolMecrtm1c(EUCOMM)Wtsi
Gene/Transgene symbolMecr

Information from provider

ProviderAlexander J. Kastaniotis
Provider affiliationFaculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu
Genetic informationExon 2 of Mecr (mitochondrial enoyl CoA reductase) is floxed (loxP flanked).
Phenotypic informationHomozygous:
The mice homozygous for loxP sites on exon 2 of Mecr are apparently normal.

The mice heterozygous for loxP sites are indistinguishable from wild type mice.
Breeding historyHeterozygous frozen embryos of B6Brd;B6N-Tyrc-Brd Mecrtm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi/WtsiCnbc were purchased from EMMA (EM:04825). The pups born after embryo transfer were backcrossed with C57BL/6JOlaHsd. The heterozygous pups born from previous breeding were crossed with B6.Cg-Tg(CTFLPe)9205Dym/J (backcrossed to C57BL/6JOlaHsd) to delete FRT flanked selection cassette and crossbred to generate mice homozygous for loxP sites.
  • Genetic modifications of Mecr reveal a role for mitochondrial 2-enoyl-CoA/ACP reductase in placental development in mice.;Nair Remya R, Kerätär Juha M, Autio Kaija J, Masud Ali J, Finnilä Mikko A J, Autio-Harmainen Helena I, Miinalainen Ilkka J, Nieminen Pentti A, Hiltunen J Kalervo, Kastaniotis Alexander J, ;2017;Human molecular genetics;26;2104-2117; 28369354
  • Impaired Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Synthesis Leads to Neurodegeneration in Mice.;Nair Remya R, Koivisto Henna, Jokivarsi Kimmo, Miinalainen Ilkka J, Autio Kaija J, Manninen Aki, Poutiainen Pekka, Tanila Heikki, Hiltunen J Kalervo, Kastaniotis Alexander J, ;2018;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;38;9781-9800; 30266742
Homozygous fertileyes
Homozygous viableyes
Homozygous matings requiredyes

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreUniversity of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Animals used for archivinghomozygous 0

Disease and phenotype information

Orphanet associated rare diseases, based on orthologous gene matching

IMPC phenotypes (gene matching)
  • preweaning lethality, complete penetrance / IMPC
  • abnormal response to tactile stimuli / IMPC
  • abnormal gait / IMPC

Literature references

  • Genetic modifications of Mecr reveal a role for mitochondrial 2-enoyl-CoA/ACP reductase in placental development in mice.;Nair Remya R, Kerätär Juha M, Autio Kaija J, Masud Ali J, Finnilä Mikko A J, Autio-Harmainen Helena I, Miinalainen Ilkka J, Nieminen Pentti A, Hiltunen J Kalervo, Kastaniotis Alexander J, ;2017;Human molecular genetics;26;2104-2117; 28369354
  • Impaired Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Synthesis Leads to Neurodegeneration in Mice.;Nair Remya R, Koivisto Henna, Jokivarsi Kimmo, Miinalainen Ilkka J, Autio Kaija J, Manninen Aki, Poutiainen Pekka, Tanila Heikki, Hiltunen J Kalervo, Kastaniotis Alexander J, ;2018;The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience;38;9781-9800; 30266742

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Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen embryos. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Frozen sperm. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

More details on pricing and delivery times

Practical information

Genotyping protocol

Example health report
(Current health report will be provided later)

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Distribution of this strain is subject to a provider MTA. Both signing of the MTA and submission of the online EMMA Mutant Request Form are required before material can be shipped.

EMMA conditions
Legally binding conditions for the transfer

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INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).