

Available to order

International strain nameC57BL/6N-Cyp2b13tm1b(KOMP)Wtsi/WtsiIeg
Alternative nameEPD0479_1_H11
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains
Allele/Transgene symbolCyp2b13tm1b(KOMP)Wtsi,
Gene/Transgene symbolCyp2b13
DisclaimerPlease note that for EUCOMM and KOMP-CSD mice supplied to the scientific community by INFRAFRONTIER/EMMA:
  1. We can not guarantee a null mutation for Knock-out first alleles (tm1a alleles, see http://www.mousephenotype.org/about-ikmc/targeting-strategies) as the critical exon has not been deleted.
  2. That the structure of the targeted mutation in the ES cells obtained from EUCOMM/KOMP to generate EUCOMM/KOMP mice is not verified by INFRAFRONTIER/EMMA. It is recommended that the recipient confirms the mutation structure.
  3. No check for determining the copy number of the targeting construct in ES cells obtained from EUCOMM/KOMP is done by INFRAFRONTIER/EMMA.
  4. The level of quality control before mice are released is to confirm the individual mouse genotype by short range PCR.

Information from provider

Provider Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Provider affiliationWellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Genetic informationThis mouse line originates from KOMP ES clone EPD0479_1_H11. For further details on the construction of this clone see the page at the IMPC portal. The critical exon(s) were flanked by loxP sites, and subsequent cre expression excised this critical sequence resulting in a knockout reporter allele using a cell permeable HTN-Cre as described in doi:10.1007/s11248-013-9764-x. Click here for more information on KOMP final vectors.
Phenotypic informationPotential phenotyping data in the IMPC portal
Breeding historyCurrent information may be viewed at the a href="http://www.sanger.ac.uk/mouseportal/search?query=Cyp2b13"Sanger mouse portal/a: Viability at weaning, Fertility, General Observations
ReferencesNone available

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreHelmholtz Zentrum Muenchen - German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH), Oberschleißheim, Germany
Animals used for archivingheterozygous C57BL/6N

Information on how we integrate external resources can be found here



Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

    Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

    * In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

    More details on pricing and delivery times

    Practical information

    Example health report
    (Current health report will be provided later)

    Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
    Distribution of this strain is subject to a provider MTA. Both signing of the MTA and submission of the online EMMA Mutant Request Form are required before material can be shipped.

    EMMA conditions
    Legally binding conditions for the transfer

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    INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).