Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:13231 |
Citation information | RRID:IMSR_EM:13231 Research Resource Identifiers (RRID) are persistent unique ID numbers assigned to help researchers cite key resources (e.g. antibodies, model organisms and software projects) in the biomedical literature to improve transparency and reproducibility in research. See https://www.rrids.org/ for more information. |
International strain name | B6.Cg-Il6tm2.1Jho/Cnbc |
Alternative name | IL6-DIO-KO (Il6 |
Strain type | Targeted Mutant Strains : Conditional mutation |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Il6tm2.1Jho |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Il6 |
Information from provider
Provider | Juan Hidalgo |
Provider affiliation | Biologia Celular, Fisiologia e Inmunologia, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona |
Genetic information | The gene is interleukin 6 (Il6). This is a conditional reversible Il6 knock-out (IL6-DIO-KO) mouse line that was developed using double-inverted open reading frame (DIO) technology. |
Phenotypic information | Homozygous:The animal will be systemic Il6 knock-out (which can be reactivated by cre recombinase). In normal conditions will breed normally and there is no obvious phenotype. A clear phenotype will be appearing in specific experimental settings. For instance, the mice will be resistant to the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) multiple sclerosis model.Heterozygous:The animal will have one wild-type Il6 allele and a null allele. |
Breeding history | The mutant mice have been backcrossed >10 times to C57BL/6OlaHsd mice. |
References |
Homozygous fertile | yes |
Homozygous viable | yes |
Homozygous matings required | no |
Immunocompromised | yes |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | CNB-CSIC, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, Madrid, Spain |
Animals used for archiving | heterozygous C57BL/6JOlaHsd males |
Disease and phenotype information
IMPC phenotypes (gene matching)
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
- decreased bone mineral density / MGI
- abnormal trabecular bone morphology / MGI
- decreased compact bone thickness / MGI
- abnormal microglial cell morphology / MGI
- abnormal heart morphology / MGI
- abnormal heart development / MGI
- thin ventricular wall / MGI
- abnormal interventricular septum morphology / MGI
- abnormal liver morphology / MGI
- abnormal lymphocyte cell number / MGI
- abnormal CNS glial cell morphology / MGI
- abnormal body weight / MGI
- obese / MGI
- decreased body weight / MGI
- increased aggression towards males / MGI
- abnormal social investigation / MGI
- increased anxiety-related response / MGI
- abnormal stationary movement / MGI
- hyperactivity / MGI
- abnormal object recognition memory / MGI
- abnormal spatial learning / MGI
- abnormal sleep pattern / MGI
- abnormal osteoclast physiology / MGI
- abnormal cardiovascular system physiology / MGI
- hepatic necrosis / MGI
- abnormal homeostasis / MGI
- abnormal immune system physiology / MGI
- impaired wound healing / MGI
- decreased IgA level / MGI
- abnormal inflammatory response / MGI
- brain inflammation / MGI
- decreased inflammatory response / MGI
- abnormal dopamine level / MGI
- decreased chemically-elicited antinociception / MGI
- decreased incidence of induced tumors / MGI
- abnormal learning/memory/conditioning / MGI
- seizures / MGI
- abnormal glucose homeostasis / MGI
- abnormal T cell differentiation / MGI
- abnormal astrocyte morphology / MGI
- gliosis / MGI
- abnormal exercise endurance / MGI
- abnormal pulmonary gas exchange / MGI
- increased susceptibility to bacterial infection / MGI
- increased susceptibility to viral infection / MGI
- abnormal T-helper 1 cell morphology / MGI
- abnormal T cell physiology / MGI
- abnormal macrophage physiology / MGI
- abnormal neutrophil physiology / MGI
- decreased IgE level / MGI
- abnormal emotion/affect behavior / MGI
- behavioral despair / MGI
- decreased glucagon secretion / MGI
- abnormal mechanical nociception / MGI
- dilated heart left ventricle / MGI
- abnormal passive avoidance behavior / MGI
- abnormal long term object recognition memory / MGI
- decreased heart weight / MGI
- abnormal neuron morphology / MGI
- delayed wound healing / MGI
- abnormal bone remodeling / MGI
- abnormal bone healing / MGI
- decreased insulin secretion / MGI
- abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology / MGI
- abnormal muscle precursor cell migration / MGI
- liver degeneration / MGI
- abnormal frequency of paradoxical sleep / MGI
- liver failure / MGI
- decreased susceptibility to induced arthritis / MGI
- increased fear-related response / MGI
- abnormal nervous system physiology / MGI
- abnormal glial cell morphology / MGI
- abnormal capillary morphology / MGI
- abnormal microglial cell physiology / MGI
- impaired febrile response / MGI
- abnormal brain interneuron morphology / MGI
- decreased incidence of tumors by chemical induction / MGI
- abnormal neuron physiology / MGI
- abnormal behavior / MGI
- decreased T cell number / MGI
- increased susceptibility to parasitic infection / MGI
- decreased cytotoxic T cell cytolysis / MGI
- decreased cardiac muscle contractility / MGI
- abnormal B cell proliferation / MGI
- decreased susceptibility to injury / MGI
- abnormal oxygen consumption / MGI
- impaired glucose tolerance / MGI
- abnormal heart ventricle morphology / MGI
- homeostasis/metabolism phenotype / MGI
- growth/size/body region phenotype / MGI
- behavior/neurological phenotype / MGI
- immune system phenotype / MGI
- increased susceptibility to fungal infection / MGI
- abnormal axon morphology / MGI
- abnormal food intake / MGI
- abnormal T-helper 1 physiology / MGI
- abnormal T-helper 2 physiology / MGI
- decreased liver regeneration / MGI
- increased body temperature / MGI
- increased circulating glucose level / MGI
- decreased dopamine level / MGI
- abnormal involution of the mammary gland / MGI
- absent NK cells / MGI
- decreased pro-B cell number / MGI
- abnormal osteoblast differentiation / MGI
- abnormal osteoclast differentiation / MGI
- increased IgG2a level / MGI
- retinal outer nuclear layer degeneration / MGI
- increased susceptibility to induced colitis / MGI
- decreased interferon-gamma secretion / MGI
- increased circulating interleukin-10 level / MGI
- decreased circulating interleukin-12 level / MGI
- decreased interleukin-17 secretion / MGI
- increased interleukin-4 secretion / MGI
- abnormal interleukin-6 secretion / MGI
- impaired neutrophil recruitment / MGI
- abnormal interferon level / MGI
- abnormal skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation / MGI
- enhanced behavioral response to morphine / MGI
- increased sensitivity to induced morbidity/mortality / MGI
- increased susceptibility to bacterial infection induced morbidity/mortality / MGI
- abnormal oval cell physiology / MGI
- abnormal bone mineral density / MGI
- abnormal acute phase protein level / MGI
- mortality/aging / MGI
- increased susceptibility to dopaminergic neuron neurotoxicity / MGI
- abnormal substantia nigra pars compacta morphology / MGI
- abnormal inhibitory learning / MGI
- abnormal pancreatic alpha cell mass / MGI
Literature references
- A new mouse model to study restoration of interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression in a Cre-dependent manner: microglial IL-6 regulation of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.;Sanchis Paula, Fernández-Gayol Olaya, Comes Gemma, Aguilar Kevin, Escrig Anna, Giralt Mercedes, Palmiter Richard D, Hidalgo Juan, ;2020;Journal of neuroinflammation;17;304; 33059703
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