STOCK Csn1s1tm2Afk/H


Available to order

International strain nameSTOCK Csn1s1tm2Afk/H
Alternative nameA1Lneo
Strain typeTargeted Mutant Strains : Knock-out
Allele/Transgene symbolCsn1s1tm2Afk,
Gene/Transgene symbolCsn1s1

Information from provider

ProviderAndreas Kolb
Provider affiliationRowett Institute, University of Aberdeen
Genetic informationA transgenic mouse line carrying an antibody light chain transgene (A1L) together with a PGKneo selection marker cassette embedded into the alpha casein gene, replacing the endogenous alpha casein gene. Homozygous lactating females have a reduced milk protein concentration and the offspring show a reduced growth rate when nursed by A1Lneo homozygous females. The mice were generated by Genoway using ES cell technology. The alpha casein gene was first targeted using homologous recombination. This inserted a PGK-hytk selection marker cassette. Subsequently the PGK-hytk cassette was replaced by the A1L/neo cassette using cre recombinase-mediated cassette exchange.
Phenotypic informationHomozygous:
Female mice homozygous for the A1Lneo mutation have a low milk protein concentration (reduced by more than 50%). In this regard, the A1Lneo mice show the same phenotype as described for the alpha-casein knock-out mice (Kolb, A.F., Huber, R., Lillico, S., Carlisle, A., Robinson, C., Neil, C., Petrie, L., Olsson, A., Sorensen, D.B., Whitelaw, C.B.A. Milk lacking alpha-casein leads to a life-long reduction in body size in mice, 2011, PLoS One, 6(7):e21775). The mouse strain can be used as a model to study the life-long effects of early nutrition. It can also be used to study the mechanisms of milk protein/casein micelle assembly and secretion. Male homozygous mice do not show any phenotype as the alpha casein gene is only expressed in the lactating mammary gland. The A1L antibody light chain protein is secreted into the milk of the A1Lneo females (both homozygous and heterozygous), but only at a concentration of around 1 mg/ml. In contrast the alpha-casein gene (which the A1L gene replaces) is expressed at around 30 mg/ml in mouse milk. The antibody light chain carries a human constant region and can therefore be easily measured in milk (against the background of murine IgG).

Female heterozygous mice express the A1L transgene in the lactating mammary gland and secrete the A1L antibody light chain protein into milk. Heterozygous females do not show a dramatic decrease in milk protein composition. We conclude that the main role of alpha casein in the process of milk production is that of a chaperone for the casein micelle (which carries most of the milk calcium and most of the milk protein).
Breeding historyThe mice were originally bred on a C57BL/6 background (using 129/Sv ES cells). The strain was then bred onto a CD1 background to enable better cross-fostering (as CD1 mice are good foster mothers). We normally use cross-fostering of wild-type mice onto CD1 A1Lneo foster mothers for our experiments.
ReferencesNone available
Homozygous fertileyes
Homozygous viableyes
Homozygous matings requiredno

Information from EMMA

Archiving centreMary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell, Oxford, United Kingdom

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Requesting frozen sperm or embryos is generally advisable wherever possible, in order to minimise the shipment of live mice.

  • Frozen sperm. Delivered in 4 weeks (after paperwork in place). €1740*
  • Rederivation of mice from frozen stock, delivery time available upon request . €3880*
  • Tissue - Types of tissue, service fee and delivery time available upon request

Due to the dynamic nature of our processes strain availability may change at short notice. The local repository manager will advise you in these circumstances.

* In addition users have to cover all the shipping costs (including the cost for returning dry-shippers, where applicable).

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Practical information

Example health report
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