- increased eosinophil cell number / IMPC
- increased bronchoconstrictive response / IMPC
- increased neutrophil cell number / IMPC
- abnormal heart morphology / IMPC
- enlarged heart / IMPC
- increased lymphocyte cell number / IMPC
- decreased monocyte cell number / IMPC
- increased leukocyte cell number / IMPC
- increased pulmonary ventilation / IMPC
Status | Available to order |
EMMA ID | EM:01780 |
Citation information | RRID:IMSR_EM:01780 Research Resource Identifiers (RRID) are persistent unique ID numbers assigned to help researchers cite key resources (e.g. antibodies, model organisms and software projects) in the biomedical literature to improve transparency and reproducibility in research. See https://www.rrids.org/ for more information. |
International strain name | B6.129-Lta/Tnftm1Fda/Orl |
Alternative name | tnf, lt KO (C57BL/6) |
Strain type | Targeted Mutant Strains : Knock-out |
Allele/Transgene symbol | Lta/Tnftm1Fda |
Gene/Transgene symbol | Lta |
Information from provider
Provider | Gilles Marchal |
Provider affiliation | Institut Pasteur |
Phenotypic information | Small size of the progeny; sometimes it is necessary to use foster mothers. |
Breeding history | The strain was backcrossed to C57BL/6 for 20 generations. It has been inbred since the 20th generation. |
References |
Information from EMMA
Archiving centre | Institut de Transgenose, INTRAGENE, Orléans, France |
Disease and phenotype information
IMPC phenotypes (gene matching)
MGI phenotypes (gene matching)
- abnormal leukocyte cell number / MGI
- increased leukocyte cell number / MGI
- enlarged liver / MGI
- abnormal immune system morphology / MGI
- abnormal spleen morphology / MGI
- enlarged spleen / MGI
- increased body length / MGI
- increased body weight / MGI
- abnormal sleep pattern / MGI
- impaired macrophage phagocytosis / MGI
- abnormal humoral immune response / MGI
- decreased IgG level / MGI
- decreased IgA level / MGI
- liver inflammation / MGI
- lung inflammation / MGI
- abnormal lymph node morphology / MGI
- abnormal lymph node primary follicle morphology / MGI
- abnormal spleen white pulp morphology / MGI
- abnormal spleen periarteriolar lymphoid sheath morphology / MGI
- abnormal spleen marginal zone morphology / MGI
- abnormal thymus medulla morphology / MGI
- abnormal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue morphology / MGI
- abnormal lymphopoiesis / MGI
- increased susceptibility to bacterial infection / MGI
- increased susceptibility to viral infection / MGI
- abnormal lymph organ development / MGI
- decreased immunoglobulin level / MGI
- increased IgM level / MGI
- abnormal lymphocyte morphology / MGI
- hepatic steatosis / MGI
- abnormal immune system organ morphology / MGI
- abnormal immune serum protein physiology / MGI
- absent Peyer's patches / MGI
- increased heart weight / MGI
- increased liver weight / MGI
- abnormal cytokine secretion / MGI
- decreased susceptibility to induced arthritis / MGI
- long tibia / MGI
- decreased susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis / MGI
- abnormal class switch recombination / MGI
- increased spleen weight / MGI
- increased lymphocyte cell number / MGI
- increased B cell number / MGI
- decreased T cell number / MGI
- decreased susceptibility to parasitic infection / MGI
- increased susceptibility to parasitic infection / MGI
- increased susceptibility to injury / MGI
- liver/biliary system phenotype / MGI
- increased susceptibility to diet-induced obesity / MGI
- increased body mass index / MGI
- absent lymph nodes / MGI
- decreased NK cell number / MGI
- increased B-1b cell number / MGI
- absent marginal zone B cells / MGI
- decreased transitional stage B cell number / MGI
- absent spleen marginal zone / MGI
- abnormal gamma-delta T cell morphology / MGI
- absent peripheral lymph nodes / MGI
- absent mesenteric lymph nodes / MGI
- abnormal spleen B cell follicle morphology / MGI
- absent spleen germinal center / MGI
- decreased spleen white pulp amount / MGI
- decreased IgG1 level / MGI
- decreased IgG2a level / MGI
- decreased IgG3 level / MGI
- abnormal circulating tumor necrosis factor level / MGI
- decreased tumor necrosis factor secretion / MGI
- decreased interferon-gamma secretion / MGI
- decreased circulating interferon-gamma level / MGI
- decreased susceptibility to endotoxin shock / MGI
- abnormal thymus epithelium morphology / MGI
- absent inguinal lymph nodes / MGI
- absent brachial lymph nodes / MGI
- absent axillary lymph nodes / MGI
- absent cervical lymph nodes / MGI
- absent popliteal lymph nodes / MGI
- increased sensitivity to induced morbidity/mortality / MGI
- decreased sensitivity to induced morbidity/mortality / MGI
- increased susceptibility to bacterial infection induced morbidity/mortality / MGI
- small thymus medulla / MGI
Literature references
- Mice heterozygous for a deletion of the tumor necrosis factor-alpha and lymphotoxin-alpha genes: biological importance of a nonlinear response of tumor necrosis factor-alpha to gene dosage.;Amiot F, Boussadia O, Cases S, Fitting C, Lebastard M, Cavaillon J M, Milon G, Dautry F, ;1997;European journal of immunology;27;1035-42; 9130661
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