Allele Conversion Service
Some mouse strains are only archived as knockout-first allele ‘tm1a allele’. In the case that users are interested in another allele which is not cryopreserved at EMMA, some EMMA nodes offer allele conversion as a service. Please note that this is a special service, which may take longer than the delivery times for the already cryopreserved alleles, with an additional service fee. The brief allele overview is as below (download as PDF):

Delivery times and service fees are available upon request using the links in the Availabilities section in the EMMA strain search, as it can be seen in the screenshot below:

In case these options are not available in the EMMA strain search, please directly contact us by
Converted alleles and the mutant strains carrying them are owned by the production EMMA node and will be archived at EMMA for distribution to the scientific community.