Cryopreservation Protocols
All EMMA partners use validated protocols for mouse embryo and spermatozoa freezing techniques, in vitro fertilisation procedures and embryo transfers. However, the EMMA partners use different protocols that are optimized for their individual settings. EMMA distribution centres will provide to customers ordering frozen embryos or spermatozoa the centre specific validated thawing protocols. The protocols provided for download below are practiced in EMMA training courses at the Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell and are routinely used by the Harwell EMMA node.

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Training Videos
The Harwell node provides a pair of videos demonstrating a technique for embryo vitrification in straws that is used at the Mary Lyon Centre. The short films take you step-by-step through the process of freezing mouse embryos and can be viewed on the Mary Lyon Centre YouTube channel.

Embryo vitrification in straws using DAP213 method

Warming procedure for embryo vitrification in straws

Shipment and storage of mouse sperm on dry ice
Cryopreservation and IVF Protocols
Shipment Protocols
EMMA partners have developed and implemented innovative shipment protocols that facilitate fast and flexible exchange processes, reduce costs and provide alternatives to live animal transportation.