PATHBIO Module III – Mouse Pathology – aims to provide Master’s Students, PhD students, and post docs with basic and expert knowledge in mouse pathology, helping them to better analyze mice with disease phenotypes. Special emphasis will be given to comparison of mouse and human pathology and to digital pathology.

Expert pathologists and researchers from Europe, US, and Canada will give lectures and discuss with the participants different aspects of mouse pathology including specific disease phenotypes and models, quantitative digital pathology, mouse genome informatics, and basic histology. There will be also an opportunity for the participants to discuss the phenotype of their mice with expert pathologists.

COVID-19 situation:

Due to the travel restrictions and social distancing requirements caused by the corona virus pandemic, this course will be via Zoom.

Costs and Contact:

There is no fee for this course.
Please send an E-mail with your CV and a short description of your interest in the course to Cord Brakebusch ( ).

You will be provided later with a zoom link and a password to attend the course, and we will send you the final course program.

If you are interested to discuss pathological issues of mice of your interest with the course experts please contact Cord Brakebusch ( ).

PATHBIO is an EU-funded ERASMUS Knowledge Alliance for “Precision Pathobiology for Disease Models”.
The program is supported by INFRAFRONTIER and IMPC.

INFRAFRONTIER® and European Mouse Mutant Archive - EMMA® are registered trademarks at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).