The PATHBIO Imaging mouse master class consists of one of the three intensive courses from PATHBIO consortium. The course will take place in Strasbourg-Illkirch Phenomin-ICS, one of the French members of the INFRAFRONTIER consortium.
PATHBIO Imaging mouse master class
04 - 08 November 2019
Strasbourg, France

Therorical sessions:
- Animal handling, ethics and regulation
- Image Analysis (quantitative analysis, visualisation, 3D analysis,..)
- X-rays and µCT imaging and MRI
- Echography Heart / other tissue, Opto-acoustic imaging
- Nuclear Imaging Spect-CT/PET and Bioluminescence
- Specialized / new imaging, Optical imaging, Embryo (HREM /OPT)
Practical courses:
- Two half-day sessions will be devoted to hands-on experience and demonstration for trainees
Details on Program and Registration:

PATHBIO is an EU-funded ERASMUS Knowledge Alliance for “Precision Pathobiology for Disease Models”. The program is supported by INFRAFRONTIER and IMPC.