Mouse Models for Human Disease Workshop
This 5-day workshop is aimed at Early Career Researchers (Post-Doctoral and PhD level) who are currently working in mouse genetics research laboratories or who intend to move into this field.
The Mouse Models for Human Disease Workshop will bring together a team of experienced mouse geneticists who will guide you through the process of designing and implementing a mouse research project plan and the subsequent data analysis.
Topics covered during the workshop include:
- Mouse Genetics
- Mouse Strain Generation
- Conditional Transgenic Models
- Sourcing and Archiving Mice
- Experimental Design
- Breeding Strategies
- Phenotyping Pipelines
- Data Analysis
There will also be lectures from invited speakers across a broad range of mouse genetics research.
Who is this for?
- PhD students
- Early Career Researchers
Participants for the Mouse Models for Human Disease Workshop will be selected based on responses to the expression of interest questions, which should be completed during the application process.
£2255 includes 5 nights accommodation (Sunday to Thursday), transfers to Advance, and workshop dinner.
£1300 without accommodation or transfers to Advance, but includes workshop dinner.