INFRAFRONTIER is the European Research Infrastructure for Modelling Human Diseases
We contribute to human health by advancing disease prevention and therapies through appropriate models.

In the INFRAFRONTIER consortium, more than 20 leading biomedical research institutes in 15 countries join forces to investigate the link between gene function and human diseases by the use of model organisms.
The Core Services of INFRAFRONTIER:
Develop precision mouse and rat models using the latest gene-editing tools – from electroporation and to CRISPR.
Phenotype the mutant models in a systemic way – in standardised pipelines as well as in specialised phenotyping studies defined individually by research partners.
Archive mutant mouse models generated by scientific partners in Europe and worldwide with latest cryopreservation technologies.
Distribute mutant mouse lines via the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) – the premier mouse repository in Europe and one of the largest worldwide.
Additional Resources that INFRAFRONTIER offers to the Life Science Community:
Special Scientific Services
Axenic germ-free derivation of mice for microbiome research – GEMM-ESC archive for cancer models – COVID-19 therapeutics pipeline for novel treatments and vaccines.
Training & Events
Training & Events in model generation – cryopreservation – rodent biology and genetics – bioinformatics – Machine Learning.
The European INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure
As a non-profit organisation the INFRAFRONTIER ERIC coordinates the transnational activities of the national partners that form the European INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure.
Gender Equality
Here’s our Gender Equality Plan (GEP) that addresses the EC-recommended thematic areas to promote gender equality in INFRAFRONTIER ERIC through institutional and cultural change.