eRImote – European Research Infrastructures – Pathway to Improved Resilience through Digital and Remote Access
The eRImote project considers solutions for digital and remote service provision across RI domains and looks for transferable practices and new developments that will reshape the future of RI accessibility.

eRImote Scope and Objectives
eRImote is pioneering a change in the accessibility model of Research Infrastructure (RI) services across Europe. This innovative project seeks to revolutionise how researchers connect with essential resources, enhancing remote accessibility and resilience in RIs.
eRImote brings together a consortium of eight beneficiaries from different RI domains (DESY, CESSDA-ERIC, EMSO-ERIC, ESF, Euro-BioImaging, INFRAFRONTIER, INPA, and INSTRUCT-ERIC), with a broad network that includes hundreds of individuals, other RIs, scientific networks, industry partners, and policymakers. The project will last 30 months, in which eRImote will create an online platform, offering best practises and tools based on a comprehensive landscape analysis. These findings will translate into strategies on transition and use cases, culminating in the writing of a Green Paper outlining the future of RI accessibility. The project foresees strong outreach and dissemination activities to ensure that the information reaches all the stakeholders.
eRImote focuses on empowering the transition to remote and digital RI services, increasing RIs’ capacities, reducing environmental impact, and promoting inclusiveness.
INFRAFRONTIER’s Contribution to eRImote
INFRAFRONTIER is involved in several integral aspects of eRImote. Namely, INFRAFRONTIER:
- Aids in establishing collaborative links between Research Infrastructures (RIs) and EOSC through virtual workshops to check compatibility between their respective services (WP2)
- Together with EMSO leads the development of a joint Green Paper that will address the transition to a remote provision of RI services across different domains (WP4)
- Leads the strategic analysis of the remote access landscape of European RIs, also considering solutions for relevant stakeholders (WP4)
- Co-leads the analysis of the use cases collected in WP3 focusing on four aspects: administrative, remote/digital access procedure, data management, and training and workforce development (WP4)
- Together with ESF leads the effort in outreach and dissemination of the Data Store, Green Paper, and results of the project (WP5)
- Assists in consolidating stakeholders and collaborates with RI end users to develop remote access best practices and strategies, which will be included in the Green Paper (WP5)
- Co-leads eRImote’s outreach to the international RI community through the participation in world-class conferences (WP5)
- Leads the dissemination of eRImote towards policymakers and funders (WP5)
INFRAFRONTIER, with its extensive expertise as a RI with service provision, is a key partner in the eRImote project. Its involvement aligns with a number of its core competencies, including facilitating international collaborations, improving RI service accessibility, and effectively communicating project outcomes to stakeholders and policymakers.